Why You Should Change Your Focus from Perfection to Excellence

Find out why perfection is different than excellence and how that makes all the difference

Matthew Royse
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Why you should change your focus from perfection to excellence
Photo by Ikowh Babayev from Pexels

“I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence I can reach for; perfection is God’s business.” — Michael J. Fox, a Canadian actor

Perfection. Some people strive to be perfect in everything they do. They want things to be just perfect.

The thing with perfection is that it’s hard to “settle” on good enough. Perfectionists insist on perfect work, not great work.

To be successful in your professional and personal life, you should chase growth, not perfection.

Changing your concentration from perfection to excellence will help you become more efficient, productive, and successful.

Perfectionists seek the approval of others with their work. They may feel insecure about their skills, work, and the ability to satisfy others. So, they strive to be perfect.

Don’t pursue perfection; seek excellence.

When you want everything to be perfect, you slow yourself down and decrease your output. You suffer in other areas and projects because you want one or two projects to be perfect.



Matthew Royse
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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