Why Your Next Big Raise Starts With Your Morning Routine

Christopher Alarcon
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readAug 1, 2024
icemanphotos // Shutterstock.

Most people focus on the wrong things when trying to earn more.

By shifting your mindset and adopting specific habits, you’ll unlock hidden income potential. You’ll discover how to leverage your time and skills effectively.

Looking to boost your income without overworking yourself? Here’s what’s worked for me over the years.

How to Engineer Your Financial Breakthrough

Listen, I’ve been there. You want to boost your income, but where do you start?

Here’s the deal: set SMART goals.

  • Make them specific enough that you can break them down into daily tasks.
  • Want to create a blog? Writing daily might be one of those tasks.

And keep your income goals simple. Boosting your income by 100K is way more challenging than 10–30K.


  • Wanting more money isn’t bad, but don’t lose sight of your happiness.
  • Never choose a job or income opportunity if it’ll make you miserable.

Sometimes, a lower-paying gig that’s temporary can make you happier and wealthier in the long run. I’ve never regreted choosing a job I was curioust about versus one that was strictly a money grab.

The Morning Ritual That Could Double Your Income

I’m a huge fan of routines. It’s how I’ve managed to consistently create content for my blog and podcast while juggling my personal life.

Trust me, it took a lot of trial and error, but I’ve figured out what works for me:

  • Early mornings are golden — that’s when I get my most important work done without interruptions.
  • I’ve tried routines from books where I journaled, meditated, and worked out. It worked short-term, but eventually, I burned out.

You’ve got to test what works for you. Keep in mind, your energy depletes throughout the day (shocker, right?).

If you wait till the evening to do important tasks, you might be too tired to focus. That’s why I recommend tackling the big stuff first thing in the morning.

Why Your Next Raise Might Start at the Gym

Look, it doesn’t matter how productive you are if you’re neglecting your health. Trust me, I’ve learned this the hard way.

Health tips:

  • If you work a lot from home like I do, consider getting a walking pad to hit 5K-10K steps daily.
  • Aim to hit the gym 2–3 times weekly.
  • Or make it a habit to walk 30 minutes every day.

The key here? Figure out what works for you.

Consistency is the name of the game. It won’t do you any good to try the best habits working for others if you’d only stick to them for a few weeks at most.

Remember, your health is your wealth. Without it, all that extra income won’t mean much.

So, prioritize those healthy habits alongside your productivity efforts.

What Top Earners Don’t Want You to Know

I’ve become obsessed with the 80/20 principle lately. Sure, I’d heard about it before, and maybe you have too. But the game-changer for me? Actually applying it.

Here’s what I did:

  • Took screenshots of sections from “The 80/20 Principle” by Richard Koch
  • Uploaded my screenshots and asked ChatGPT to analyze my schedule
  • Figured out which tasks to prioritize for the highest output towards my goals

You can do this manually, but leveraging tools like ChatGPT gives you a fresh perspective. Get clear on your goals, then pinpoint which tasks yield the most results.

The best part? Your schedule should free up some, since you’ll be focusing on high-impact tasks.

It’s a huge shift from having a massive to-do list just for the sake of staying busy.

Why Flexibility Is Your Secret Weapon in Wealth Building

Hey, if you’ve been following along, congrats! It shows you’re motivated to hit those goals.

One of the final stages? Reviewing your progress.

Review checklist:

  • Are you closer to your targets?
  • Did you have enough time for all your tasks?
  • Which ones did you enjoy most?

By taking a moment to review and get a pulse on where you stand, you can pivot and fine-tune your process. For example, if you’re creating online content, you’ll quickly see a similar flow across different mediums.

The best part about optimizing? In the future, if you want to delegate, you can easily train others to take over parts of your process.

Remember, pivoting is your best friend. If you’re not getting closer to your goal, or worse, moving away from it, it’s time to change things up.

I once spent weeks developing a website I ultimately didn’t use. Avoid mistakes like this.

The Learning Strategy That Pays Dividends for Life

Learning is your secret weapon to boosting your income. Trust me on this one.

Whether you’re picking up tips on improving your public speaking or diving into coding, setting aside time each week to learn is important.

My learning journey:

  • Started with basic know-how
  • Eventually learned about process management, automation, and online content creation

But here’s the kicker: focus less on which skills are the most profitable and more on ones you’re genuinely interested in learning.

Maybe it’s designing stunning websites or diving into AI.

Don’t have spare cash for education? No sweat. There’s a ton of free info out there:

  • Listen to podcasts on your commute
  • Borrow books from the library
  • Watch YouTube videos
  • Read free content like this one

It’s not about one life-changing piece of content — it’s the slow build-up over time that counts.

Your Roadmap to Financial Freedom Starts Now

Shift your mindset to unlock hidden opportunities and leverage your skills effectively. These strategies can revolutionize your income-generating capabilities.

Key takeaways:

  • Embrace SMART goals
  • Optimize your routine
  • Prioritize health
  • Apply the 80/20 rule to maximize productivity
  • Continuously learn and adapt your approach

These habits compound over time, dramatically increasing earning potential.

Don’t worry about applying all the strategies I mentioned in this article.

Start with one and eventually adopt others. Then, watch your income grow over time.



Christopher Alarcon
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I interview entrepreneurs weekly to share their journeys and inspire growth.