Wisdom Comes From Wrong Decisions

Reality is not perfect

Change Your Mind Change Your Life
2 min readJan 30, 2024


Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

At any given moment, we are making choices. Some of those choices lead us to happiness, while others invite chaos into our existence.

The range of choices we can make on this Earth is close to infinite. The sky’s the limit, as they say. Somehow, however, most of the choices we make tend to breed more pain, frustration, and division in the world.

Most of us seem to blame someone or some event for our problems. It is the boss’ fault that we are miserable now. It is the ex’s fault that we are heartless and vengeful now. It is the government’s fault that we exist in a room, on a computer, living off processed foods. And so on.

We don’t see how we had been depending on either of the above as an example, and how that dependence created our turmoil. No, we prefer remaining upset and miserable, and as long as we stay there, we are stuck.

On the other hand, if we were to look back at the events we had been through; we would probably become aware of the subtle but colorful “red flags.” We would see how there was an imbalance in the feelings that were exchanged. We would see how we made mountains out of molehills, and how that tricked us.

Most of us are scared of making choices. We don’t want to fail. We want to make sure that every choice we make is the best ever. This is unrealistic however, and I have proof for that. The fact that we want to avoid making “wrong” choices at any cost comes from fear. This fear has different origins depending on the person. But with the understanding of this fear, there comes a certain realism in how we look at life. This understanding is wisdom. And wisdom tells us that life is about ups and downs — that’s how we learn.

In truth, wisdom is borne out of making choices, especially the “wrong” ones — and learning from them. The so-called wrong choices are usually the biggest blessings in disguise since they push us to get to the root of the problem, and understand it.

We learn from our choices by looking at how we participated in creating difficult experiences for ourselves.

And once we do, we make wiser choices.

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