You Are Enough BUT Here’s What Limits Your Growth

And restricts your potential.

Sumanpreet Kaur
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readJul 5, 2024


Photo by Aleksandra Sapozhnikova on Unsplash

You are enough. You don’t lack anything.


  • How often do you self-reject before approaching?
  • How often do you map yourself for less?
  • How often do you overlook your capabilities while seeing yourself as inferior compared to others?

You are a source. You are energy. You are a new thinker.

But we get drained in the sea of doubts and find no clue.

Where the problem is:

As I reflected, I realized that I used to reject myself first before anybody else.

Such as:

  • They might not accept my application.
  • How will such a big creator respond to my message?
  • I am not capable enough.

We screw ourselves by being unaware of our limited mindset.

You know the interesting point is, the same can be achieved in 6 months or 2 years depending on your mindset.

For this, challenge your mindset to let yourself be surprised by the changes and achievements. Here’s how:

1) By keeping monthly goals.

“A goal without a plan is Just a wish.”― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

If you say, let’s see what happens ahead. Then, don’t complain if you get off track without any goal or plan.

The same I’ve experienced that I can’t count how many times I got off track.

But the change is,

I keep monthly and weekly goals breaking down my quarterly goals.

If you achieve them. Fantastic!

If not, keep it for the next month.

A picture is there in your mind of what you want to achieve. You are telling your mind over and again what you are looking for. Then, your mind rewires to think that way and mould your actions.

Plan. Make a roadmap. Keep a track.

Then, thank yourself for achieving your aim.

2) By doing more that scares you

I am an introvert who is comfortable in her own zone and a small personal circle. Still, I am going on calls with creators though we are strangers.

But I am happily doing this knowing its impact on my content creation and online business journey.

Whatever seems impossible I keep it as my target, like the product sales. However, this approach should be limited.

Otherwise, it’d be a draining factor too when you get obsessed. So, be aware of a small line between measurement and obsession.

3) By surrounding yourself with passionate people

To make steering the boat easier, you can either run back and forth between both sides or have someone assist you in maintaining a smooth course.

You can choose between:

  • Working harder and trying to solve everything alone.


  • Build your tribe of passionate and same-mindset people.

Have people in your connection who have already achieved what you are looking for.

I live in a small village. Such business-oriented people are nowhere near to my village.

It doesn’t mean I’ll be leaving my area and shift somewhere else.

So, I am connecting and building genuine relationships with more ambitious and passionate creators online.

You can choose how you surround yourself according to the way it is right for you.

You have what it takes to achieve:

What you feel matters more than what you do.

Your emotions, thoughts, and actions determine your mindset.

Mindset determines how you achieve your goals.

Do that appears impossible, seems you scared. Growth is beyond the comfort zone.

Change your mindset to change your life.

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