You Can Improve Your Vibration

It’s not always God-given

Change Your Mind Change Your Life
6 min readJun 24, 2024


Photo by Bruno Scramgnon

At any given moment, we are emitting a certain vibration. Depending on what has influenced us up to this point in time, but also the kind of actions we took or the choices we made — our vibration may be more stable, or chaotic.

A lot of people talk about others’ vibes these days. Some people appear to have “good vibes,” while others, “low vibes.” I think it’s just that in the presence of some people, we feel more balanced and soothed while in the presence of others, we feel uneasy and restless.

A puppy, as an example, makes us feel good, while a movie portraying absurd amounts of violence makes us feel uneasy at some level.

Another concept we seem to have up in the air is that there is not much we can do about our vibration, which is not accurate. Maybe what makes us believe this is the lack of immediate result, which doesn’t work in the real world. I too used to believe simply doing a prayer or procedure on a whim would turn me into the last air bender. It doesn’t work like this. And maybe, going even deeper, it’s simply our approach to solving problems that’s our bigger obstacle.

We don’t take care of the basics.

We jump too soon to praying to ET’s as an example. When we have a toothache, we don’t pray to our angels for the toothache to go away — we go to the dentist.

It may sound funny but it’s something I observe a lot in my daily interactions with people.

A friend of mine is always into “conspiracies” to feed his need for the divine. Wait, what?

Let me explain.

In the belief that he is opposing the “devil” by digging deeper and deeper into some of the world’s rotten ways, as it presently is – he feels like he is proving himself to be part of the good guys’ team, which should bring him more peace of mind but instead, it’s the opposite. I’m sure you know similar people who spend their whole existence finding the many reasons why the world is “so wrong,” and live miserably as a result.

Over the years, I’ve often observed how my mind put me in terrible places. Maybe I’d have a crush on a woman and start daydreaming about it, feeding the narrative and getting more and more entangled in it – only to realize she wasn’t feeling the same way. It’s difficult! But I got myself there. What I learned as a result of these endless mental twists and turns was to be practical too. The mind can imagine everything it wants, and live in its fantasies. That’s what it does.

In the case of my friend, sure, there might be some truths to what he discovered – so what? That’s too far out there. What about the basics? Is my life in order?

Where am I? What’s my life about? Do I feel healthy and at peace? Am I dissatisfied? Do I want to reach a certain destination in life? What can I do about it? What about my relationships? Have I outgrown those people? Do I feel lonely? Is there someone I’m in love with? Have I given it a chance?

Those are all very grounded human needs. And as long as they’re left in the air, nothing will be solved. You know, people often say things but when it’s time to act – they do the opposite. It’s not that they’re liars or something. It’s just that our wishful thinking is weak against our instincts. It doesn’t mean we can’t do a thing about “human nature,” as some pessimists love to say; we can actually! But to do this, we have to acknowledge the basics first.

As an example, it’s amazing to meditate on an empty stomach but it’s hard to do so when starving. I tried both. This body needs materials to run, and unless it gets it first, the mind can wait with its meditations.

Life is Intelligent. There is a reason why things are built the way they are. First the physical aspect, then the emotional one, then the mental one, and so on. Spiritual growth is an even higher aspect.

There are exceptions but we cannot shortcut our way through this.

I posted a quote that came to me the other day, which goes hand in hand with everything I’ve said so far. Here it is:

It’s true. We have to behave in accordance with the ways of the world and adapt in order for us to get somewhere. But when we are embarrassed to give our inner child its rightful voice, and instead, want to keep up with the Joneses only — perhaps to gain others’ validation, there’s a problem.

What’s more pressing to us, if we are honest with ourselves — the hateful look we give ourselves in the mirror, or making more money so that we could go to exotic places and post cool pictures? Sure, we can do both. But our time here is limited.

It seems like, at an unconscious level at least, we have this tendency to avoid what needs our attention, and instead, pursue things in the hope that they make us happier – knowing they won’t.

It’s based on this observation that I posted this quote and used the toothache’s example.

At any given time – and this is not different from work life, call it self-management if you want – we have different things to take care of. But one of them is the priority at that given time. And that priority must be dealt with properly. And only once we’ve dealt with it, does the rest become easier to handle. Pareto principle.

I’ve experienced it myself in the past. As most people, I have goals and therefore things to do on a daily basis to make those goals happen. But sometimes, some emotions would come up and regardless of how much I tried to force my way through those days, nothing would change. I wasn’t in the flow anymore. I could try avoiding the pressing matter. But at the end of the day, I’d have to come back to it, and take care of it. And once I did – everything felt smooth again.

So, coming back to the subject of vibrations — it’s amazing to read books and adopt more spiritual habits in our life. There are times when this is exactly what we need versus reviewing other areas of our lives.

Ultimately however, we have to be honest with ourselves. At a certain level, we know when something is off. We could receive signals from our body as an example, telling us – look, you have to deal with this particular problem.

Do I need more books at this moment, or, do I need to change some of my habits? Do I have a toothache, or do I need more positive influences in my life which I could get from reading spiritual materials as an example?

If I’m not sleeping enough, if I’m eating processed foods for the most part, if my relationships are toxic, if I am toxic – then this is what I have to start with.

Remember, Life is built the way it is for a reason. We have to start with the basics, otherwise we’ll lack the necessary push to soar higher — where we want to reach, and stay.

I firmly believe in the power of intention. Stating what we want for ourselves in a sincere way – meaning one that’s aligned with our personal path and one that doesn’t negatively affect the rest of Life – always kick-starts the journey.

As much as we can therefore, we should know what we want from life and take the time to be sure about what’s our priority. The clearer we are about our motivations, the easier our values change to match our objectives. And that’s when the magic happens.

Once all this comes together, our actions and choices will reflect what we stand for. And before we realize it, we would have changed in ways we never thought were possible. That’s the power available to all human beings. It’s right in our hands, and thankfully, we are awakening to it in important numbers.

I hope you enjoyed this read. I kept it high level. Regarding the basics, I don’t think you need me to talk about them. Everything starts with healthy habits, and with intent, the rest follows. Thinking and trusting should go hand in hand here 😉

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