You Can’t Heal This Planet Until You Heal Yourself

Olya Barnett
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
6 min readDec 6, 2020


I was pretty oblivious to this planet’s issues until I started doing my own inner-work. How could I possibly look at something else and recognize the severity of the problem if I couldn’t even recognize or get through my own stuff?

I’m embarrassed to say that I even went to Thailand nearly ten years ago to “volunteer” and rode an elephant because I thought it was an *amazing opportunity*. It wasn’t until the middle of that trip when an elephant was dragged into a restaurant with chains that I regretted the whole experience of why I was even there. This elephant wouldn’t be in here if I wasn’t on this trip. I was naively part of the problem even though I thought I was there to “support” the cause.

And that’s a common pattern I have noticed myself having up until now; naively being part of the problem instead of being the solution.

I didn’t recognize for a long time that burning fossil fuels created extra carbon dioxide in our atmosphere and causing an imbalance in our climate, hence why the climate was beginning to change dramatically and therefore causing drastic effects on our neighbors (hurricanes that wipe towns and citizens, the worst droughts in…



Olya Barnett
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

A Soul having a human experience while learning how to get out of her own way and empowering those along the way with one writing or creative piece at a time!