You Don’t Need Perfection, You Need Progress

All you need to succeed is to move forward

Mighty Knowledge
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


“Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” — Voltair

“Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.” — Confucius

“Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well.” — Shakespeare

Perfection can never truly be achieved. It’s an illusion, like chasing your own shadow as you run.

To achieve perfection suggests that you must be flawless, to achieve your goal without failure or setback. That you have attained a level of excellence that cannot be exceeded.

But this is impossible.

Imperfection and uncertainty are built into our lives. There are so many things that can change along the way to achieving goals, that having a perfect path just isn’t realistic. There are other people and events that could change the status quo. You yourself might even change your mind about the goal you are pursuing.

Yet millions, perhaps even billions of people around the world are still obsessed with perfection. That obsession is what prevents them from achieving their goals and happiness. They’re always chasing a target…

