You Have A Superpower, Use It

Why We All Need to Trust Our Intuition

Camille Cook
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readNov 7, 2023


Every single one of us is born with the same superpower.

This is not the kind of Marvel superpower that may initially come to mind like time-traveling, reading minds or flying.

This specific superpower is far more simple and subtle.

Yet, equally as powerful.

It’s called intuition.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

What is intuition?

It’s the feeling within, nudging us in a certain direction.

It’s the constant push or pull we feel daily.

It’s our initial, gut instinct.

It’s our truth.

What it’s not is everything else:

It’s not the voice in our head.

It’s not the pressures we feel from the outside world.

It’s not our fears.

It’s not our thoughts.

Our world has become increasingly noisy, fast-paced, and toxic. So much so, our intuition is becoming increasingly muted, drowning in the flood of information and conformist pressures of the outside world.

We absorb the opinions of others, confusing them with our own. We become convinced, confused, and lost.

This disruptive commotion is preventing us from channeling this wonderful power instilled in us.

Most of us make decisions in life using our heads.

We “thinkthings through, convincing ourselves we can “think” our way through life.

That if we “think” hard and long enough, the answers will come. That we will finally know the way.


How often have you “thought” things through, only to be led down a path you later regret?

Or how often has “thinking” caused you to “overthink”, only to leave you feeling even more frustrated and confused than when you began?

Instead of relying on our minds, we should be relying on our intuition.

But how can we distinguish the voice of our intuition from the outer commotion?

This is where the true challenge lies.

So, here are a few examples to help:


The person you’re dating is perfect on paper. They check every one of your boxes: handsome, smart, athletic, funny, adventurous, social…

Basically, they’re your Prince Charming, wrapped up in a pretty little bow.

Except for one thing.

Shortly after the start of the relationship, you can’t shake this gut feeling deep down, that things aren’t right. You feel burdened from this knowledge that something is wrong, that things will eventually go south. You’re unable to put a finger on exactly what is causing it, but whatever it is has riddled you with anxiety and is holding you back from being truly happy with this person.

That feeling?

That is your intuition.

And it trumps any number of perfect qualities they may have on paper.

Every. Single. Time.

You know you must end the relationship.

You may not know exactly why, but you know that your intuition won’t stop from waving a red flag in your face until you do.


Quick rewind: you’re in Freshman in college, unsure of what you want to do with your life. But, feeling pressured into choosing a major and career path, you pursue business.


Well, your dad always thought it would be a stable, smart path for you to take. Plus, that’s where the money is, right? You see all your other friends doing the same thing, so it seems like the best choice.

However, deep down, you’ve always felt drawn to photography. You feel overcome with passion and excitement whenever you are looking into the world from behind the lens.

Regardless, you shove down this desire because your mind is telling you that you should take the path that leads to more money, more stability, and less resistance from the outside world (AKA your father).

The “realistic” path.

Who majors in photography, anyways — probably too risky, right?

Wrong, again!

Success will always come from being bold enough to pursue what you’re passionate about. Leaning into what you are naturally drawn to is the absolute best gift you can give yourself.

If you know what you love and can pursue it, don’t ever hesitate to incorporate it into your life somehow.

Hopefully, you’re getting the point by now.

But, in case it hasn’t quite clicked yet, take a look at the number of divorces in the US. Or perhaps this article that reveals that only 20% of people are passionate about what they do.

If more of us had the courage and will to turn inward, slow down, and trust our intuition, we would all feel far more fulfilled in these major areas in our lives.

It may go against what others are saying or doing, and that’s okay.

In fact, I’d even argue that it’s a good thing.

Do you really want to follow in the path of these seemingly unsatisfied individuals sticking to the “norm”?

I didn’t think so.

Start tuning into that subtle, quiet truth that you feel deep down. Whatever it may be calling you towards, or away from, welcome that truth into your life. Distinguish the outside noise from what is calling to you from within.

Trust your gut, it will never steer you wrong.

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Camille Cook
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Welcome to my journey navigating through my twenties | Lessons to inspire growth | (Un)Fulfilled Podcast: