You Need to Become a Lion to Be the Lamb You Really Are

Don’t kill the monster

Ahsan Chaudhry
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Hendo Wang on Unsplash

Do you always have to be nice? It is good to be nice, heck it is great. But if you don’t have the ability to turn into a monster you will get run over. People who admire you will pity you.

The world is full of surprises, love and hatred, peace and war, ups and downs. Being a monster, being a savage is bad, I agree don’t get me wrong. But not being able to turn into one is worse.

We as a human race have endured so much suffering at the hands of war and conflict. We shudder at the first sign of conflict.

You want to avoid fighting all costs, which is great. But sometimes that doesn’t stop the conflict from happening though does it. Wars still happen, all sorts of conflicts and fights from your bedroom to high school to international superpowers.

We have been teaching our kids that fighting is bad. It is bad, period. But it is not extinct. You have to accept it as a bad reality. An unwanted universal truth. This will give you the power to fight or fight back when things go south.

When Nazis waged war was it possible to negotiate with them. It would have been great if Nazism didn’t happen, millions of innocent people didn’t lose their lives in the name of peace. But despite all half a**ed…

