You Need To Know What Glyphosate Is Doing To Your Body

The hidden reason behind your illnesses, depression, and poor digestion

Ariel Kern
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Tamas Pap on Unsplash

I love learning the latest on health research, and recently discovered Dr. Zach Bush who introduced me to glyphosate.

“Glyphosate is, in my mind, certainly the most damaging chemical we have on the planet right now. There is so much talk about mercury in our fillings, and vaccines, and all these other things that get a lot of press, but after five years of running a basic science laboratory evaluating this chemical, there is zero question in my mind, that it is the single biggest problem we have threatening human health today.” Zach Bush, M.D.

Glyphosate? I’d never heard of it. So I spent all weekend researching the claims he made. What I learned blew my mind and I needed to share so you can also make informed decisions about your health.

What glyphosate is, and where it comes from

Industrial agriculture focuses on efficiency, so the number of crops they grow represents only a small percent of the total available in nature.

“In the United States an estimated 90 percent of our historic fruit and vegetable varieties have vanished. Of the 7,000 apple varieties that were grown in the…



Ariel Kern
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Japanese culture from Tokyo. Spiritual growth from experimenting. Future musings from tech startup. Learning people’s stories around the world.