Your Dreams Can Become Your Reality When You Discover Your Inner Motivation

As a coach, I discovered people only up their game constantly when they’re motivated from their inner well of inspiration.

David Ferrers
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Call Me Fred on Unsplash

Deep inside of you, there is a well of inner motivation that can inspire you to achieve anything your heart desires.

You can tap your inner motivation any time you wish. And the BIG benefit of drawing motivation from this well is that it is always there to energise and enthuse you whenever you need it. Inner motivation is often referred to by psychologists as intrinsic motivation or internal motivation.

To achieve everything you want in life you need the energy, inspiration and courage from your well of inspiration. Your challenge is to discover that well and to drink from its waters constantly. The well that keeps bubbling and making you feel good is what has meaning for you.

Other people can motivate you by making you afraid, or praising you, or offering you inducements, or introducing you to credible fantasies. But once the source of these external motivators is removed your motivation will decline. There is rarely any positive long-lasting effect from external motivators.



David Ferrers
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I have coached over 1,000 people and I write about how Zen can empower your life, add meaning, happiness and prosperity