Your Manifestations Are Hiding Behind Your Unresolved Pain

Integrate the negative to infuse the power into your better interpretations

Caty Lee
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


The capacity to re-frame circumstances so that you arrive at an interpretation that inspires ease, trust, and motivation is a super power. Re-framing discouraging thoughts into insights that are forward moving is synonymous with the ability to re-experience reality.

However, re-framing, like all powerful tools, must be wielded carefully. The re-framing impulse is useful only when it’s paired with the willingness to integrate the negative emotions you want to re-envision.

Without the desire to understand your darker emotions, they persist in the background and generate resistance that slowly but surely corrodes those positive re-frames you’re attempting to cultivate. Here’s why.

Agreeing to one emotion is an agreement with its inverse

Embedded within every experience, emotion, or perspective is its opposite. For instance, a relationship wouldn’t be meaningful if you didn’t feel the sting of disagreement about consequential subjects. The desire to pursue a particular path or subject is potent to the degree that its absence is painful, and so forth.



Caty Lee
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Tickle your dark side. Rejoice with your golden side. Dissolve creative blocks by seeing their root causes. Talk to me @