Your Story Isn’t Over Yet

Here’s the approach you should take

Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readJun 6, 2024


Your Story Isn’t Over Yet. Zohvib

Here’s a cold, hard truth bomb: Your story isn’t over yet. Not even close.

It doesn’t matter if you’re in your 20s, 40s, or any other chapter of life — you’re still a work in progress, a story unfolding.

And if you think you’ve already seen the climax of your tale, think again.

This is about grabbing life by the horns and realizing that the pen’s been in your hand all along.

It’s about tossing out the old script, the one that says you’re too this or not enough that, and starting fresh.

Whether you’re soaring high or hitting rock bottom, there’s always room for a twist, a turn, or a new adventure.

So, let’s turn that page. Your story isn’t over yet, and the next chapter might blow your mind.

Become a storyteller

Here’s a thought: your life’s a story, and you’re telling it.

But are you narrating a tale that sucks or one that kicks ass?

It’s not just about what happens to you; it’s about how you spin it. You’ve got more control over your story than you think, and it’s high time you start using it.

Think about it. That job you lost, the relationship that ended — sure, they can be chapters of setbacks or they can be badass comebacks, lessons learned, the gritty parts that add depth to your character.

You’re not just a character in your story; you’re the narrator. You decide whether it’s a tragedy or a hero’s journey.

And here’s the real deal: authenticity isn’t just your secret sauce; it’s your superpower.

Ditch the sugarcoating. Life’s messy, complicated, and sometimes downright ugly — and that’s okay.

Your story resonates when it’s real, when it’s raw, when it’s you.

So, grab that pen. Paint your challenges not as defeats, but as plot twists.

Let your victories be the high notes. And through it all, keep your voice — your real voice — loud and clear.

That’s how you become a storyteller worth listening to. Your story’s being written every day. Make it one hell of a read.


Time to hit the big, red restart button on your life.

It’s not about forgetting your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend.

It’s not about forgetting your weaknesses.

It’s not about forgetting the past.

It’s about charging headfirst into the future.

Here’s the stripped-down, no-nonsense way to do it:

  • Own it: Every mistake, every win — it’s yours. Own it.
  • Find your why: What’s driving this restart? Nail it down.
  • Fear? Good: It means you’re stepping out of the safe zone.
  • Just Start: Action, however small, beats planning every time.

Restarting is like jumping into cold water — shocking, invigorating, and ultimately refreshing.

It’s about rewriting the script of your life when the old one doesn’t fit anymore. Your story isn’t set in stone. It’s more like a draft, and you’ve got the pen.

So, what are you waiting for? Time to start scribbling.


Planning your life story isn’t about creating a rigid timeline of events.

It’s more like sketching out a rough map for an adventure — one where you’re both the explorer and the cartographer.

My personal formula? It’s simple but powerful:

Vision + Flexibility + Action = Your Story, Planned

  • Vision: What’s the vibe of your life? Adventure? Stability? A mix?
  • Flexibility: Expect the unexpected. Adapt like it’s your superpower.
  • Action: Dreams are great; doing stuff is better. Every little step counts.

But here’s the real secret sauce: balance.

The balance between dreaming and doing, planning and improvising.

It’s about knowing when to buckle down and when to let loose when to follow the map and when to go off-road.

This formula isn’t a one-size-fits-all; it’s a starting point. Your story might need more action, more dreaming, more twists and turns.

That’s the beauty of it — it’s your story, and you call the shots.

So, what’s your next chapter about?

Scaling a mountain? Starting a new venture? Finding peace?

Whatever it is, remember that your story isn’t set in stone. It’s dynamic, ever-changing, and always, always yours to write.

  • Keep it real.
  • Keep it raw.

Let’s see where your story goes.

Your story, your rules

Here’s the final twist in your epic: Your story, your rules.

Forget about the shoulds, the coulds, the societal scripts.

As the great Hunter S. Thompson said,

“Buy the ticket, take the ride.”

And that’s exactly what you need to do with your life story.

No more sitting in the passenger seat or following someone else’s roadmap. It’s time to grab the wheel.

Screw the standard plot lines and expectations. Your story doesn’t need to be a carbon copy of someone else’s bestseller.

It’s about carving your own path, whether that’s quitting your nine-to-five to start a rock band or backpacking in the Himalayas because why the hell not?

You see, the most captivating stories are those that break the mold, that veer off the beaten path.

They’re the stories that make you sit up and think, “Damn, that’s bold.”

That’s the kind of story you should be writing. One that’s unapologetically, unmistakably you.

So, as you turn the page to your next chapter, remember: play by your rules, write in your voice, and live on your terms.

Because in the end, the stories we remember, the ones that really stick with us, are those of people who dared to live differently.

What’s your story going to be?

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