You’re Only One Choice Away From a Happily Ever After

Own the responsibility for your life

Esther George
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash

While a lot of things in life may be beyond your control, there is however one area that is completely your responsibility.

You need to understand that this one thing plays the primary role in determining the outcome of your life.

Life doesn’t just happen. It is defined by the choices you make, every single day.

Everything begins with a decision. The path you travel, the level of your success, how happy you are in life, and how much money you make are all choices determined by you.

It is still true that you alone cannot control everything that happens out there, but you have the choice to decide if you’d stay as a victim or rescue yourself from the trap of despair. Even if you chose not to choose, you still had made a choice.

There is no such thing as absolutely anything, it’s only how you perceive it to be. You decide how you’re going to interpret any situation. You have the power over how you react when things don’t turn out the way you expect it.

The next thought, the next comment, the next activity, or plan are all choices made by you. Either you make those choices yourself, or you allow someone else to dictate your path. You develop…



Esther George
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Writer • Dreamer • Storyteller • She writes about discovering and living your best life now because life is truly what you make it.