How Black Lives Mattered to This White Boy

And how I gained a brother in the process

Hotse Langeraar
Changeling Lore
Published in
5 min readJun 27, 2021


Chosen for further distribution.

A new friend

About five years ago, a man stepped into my life. Attractive, well-spoken, with a sense of humility and lack of bravado, which drew people to him, as it did me. For the sake of this writing, I will refer to him as RL.

Our friendship developed gingerly, without haste, and with mutual respect for each other’s past and possibly diverging beliefs. And over time, as I learned more, I found the great hurt this man suffered. The kind of pain that knows no medicine, that time won’t heal ― a hole in his soul, bottomless and dark, eating away and offering no hope for the soothing grace of solace. So all I could do was look on and listen.

Of course, I had heard of BLM and seen their activities portrayed on TV, with altering biases depending on the station. My opinion of them was influenced by the fact that I’m a white boy. As such, it didn’t touch or matter much to me. And why should it?

The plight of any group to which I do not belong is hard to identify with. It’s not my suffering, not my problem. And as far as I was concerned, I didn’t cause any of it either. I had no reference point, and it was easier to dismiss than to find a…



Hotse Langeraar
Changeling Lore

Born in Europe, moved to the USA and my dreams came true. From commodities to investment banker, I became an author. I’m still dreaming and write about change.