Let us show compassion to children of the military

Little Loving Hands
Changemaker Education
2 min readFeb 3, 2016

February is a month that we celebrate President’s Day and recognize those that have led and shaped our country to what it is today. However, the citizens of our country also owe a lot to those that serve in the military who help protect what our forefathers built. When people choose to serve in our armed forces, it’s not just a day job. It’s a way of life that affects the whole family, especially the children.

©2007 Our Military Kids

Beyond the day-to-day ups and downs that come with being a kid, children that have family serving in the military often have to deal with even more. These children can go months or years without one of their parents being present as they are deployed abroad. Others have had to face the reality of losing a loved one at a very young age. While many children find themselves helping be a caretaker for a parent that has returned with serious injuries from combat. Yet, they remain strong and often are ones that show the most compassion. Perhaps it’s because they have the realization as First Lady Michelle Obama pointed out “Ultimately, you understand that your parents are part of something far bigger than themselves.”

Compassion for children who have a parent deployed in military service to our country is what inspired Linda Davidson and Gail Kruzel to start Our Military Kids in 2004. Our Military Kids provides tangible support to the children of deployed and severely injured National Guard and Military Reserve, and severely injured personnel through grants for sports, fine arts and tutoring that nurture and sustain the children during the time a parent is away in service to our country or recovering from injuries sustained while serving overseas.

This month, Little Loving Hands, spotlights Our Military Kids to have children make gifts which will be sent along with the grant notifications.

Little Loving Hands February Kit Supporting Our Military Kids

Bio: Lily Yeh is a mother of two young children from Northern Virginia. She has held multiple executive positions at high profile companies and wanted to apply her experience and skills to an effort that would give back to the community.



Little Loving Hands
Changemaker Education

Throw kindness around like confetti! Little Loving Hands makes caring fun by delivering monthly children's craft activities focused on giving back!