Win 3 x 100 Euro in the climate lottery!

2 min readDec 3, 2016


This month we are giving away 3 x 100 Euro voucher for an investment in an energy efficiency project of your choice on the crowd investing platform is the world’s first crowd investing platform to invest in eco-friendly energy efficiency projects of companies, municipalities and clubs together with many other changers. In return, you will be involved in the savings achieved with a sustainable return.

At bettervest, you only finance projects that are proven to achieve high cost and energy savings and are ecologically sensible. The savings are projected in each project by a certified energy consultant. In this way you get, together with the other investors, a part of the savings plus agreed interest rates every year until everything is repaid with yield at the end of the contract term.

Through your investment, the project owners get the necessary capital to immediately reduce their energy consumption, reduce emissions and save costs. This means that we all benefit from less CO2 emissions, less energy consumption and an accelerated energy transition!

The draw of the three winners will take place on 01.02.2017.

The highlight: You can increase your profitability through sustainable behavior. Because the lots cost neither euro nor dollars, but 50 bonus points, which you can earn for healthy and CO2-economical behavior in the Changers CO2 fit app.

There is a ReCoin for every kilometer you can walk or cycle. But you can also earn ReCoins for the use of bus and train or other health-promoting and environmentally friendly behavior.

We want to motivate you to participate and to do more for your own health and the environment.

For more information, please visit

Please also read the risk note (in German).




Stay healthy and happy! Ride your bike, take public transit and get rewarded for actively saving #CO2. #sustainability #CO2fit