GreenTech Award 2017 — we are nominated!

Daniela Schiffer
Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2016

Our company is among the TOP 10 projects in the Communications category of 2017’s GreenTec Awards, the world’s biggest
environmental and business prize.

Support us now to receive one of the most wanted environmental awards and
vote online for our project on from November 28, 2016 until January 6, 2017!

Your vote can essentially influence the selection process: The project that receives most votes in the Online-Voting automatically qualifies as one of the three nominees of its category. Out of those, the jury later selects the winner.

Every year, the GreenTec Awards honor innovative products and projects that lead the way towards a more environmentally friendly future. Well-established media partners like ProSieben and FAZ support the GreenTec Awards in providing a platform for green ideas and thus attract maximal public attention. This allows for the pioneers and their projects to actively contribute to a more sustainable handling of our environment.

Help shape a green future and vote online for our project now! Every vote counts!



Daniela Schiffer

Co-Founder @ChangersCom and proud member of @BerlinGeekettes, driven to make a meaningful change and ice-cream addicted.