Viv Preview 0.8

Studio 384
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2019

When we announced ChangeWindows 5.0 Preview 4, we told you about ChangeWindows Preview 0.7 and how it would introduce a small set of enhancements for newer versions of Windows, including the upcoming 1903-release with support for the light theme.

We also announced that we had submitted version 0.7.1 because Microsoft refused to accept the 8th update to the ChangeWindows Preview app.

That update also got rejected (because we have the word “Windows” in our name) and because I’m quiet sick of playing this game, we’re changing the name of our app. Ladies and gentlemen…

Welcome to viv Preview

Today we’re releasing version 0.8 of “viv Preview” to the Microsoft Store. This is just the official ChangeWindows app, but with a different name. While we were at it we gave the app icon a revamp. So, what’s new for everyone on ChangeWindows Preview 0.6?

  • Windows 10 version 1709 is now required to install ChangeWindows Preview (up from version 1703).
  • The “ChangeWindows Preview” branding has been replaced with “viv Preview”.
  • The app icon has been updated with a simplified design.
  • Support has been added for the light system theme in Windows 10 version 1903, you’ll now see a blue icon when you’re using the light system theme instead of the white icon with a blue box.

Eventually ChangeWindows 0.4, the current stable version of our app, will also be replaced with the “viv” branding.

Is “viv” ChangeWindows’ new name?

No. ChangeWindows will remain ChangeWindows, this name change only applies to our apps.

Why is the name changing anyways?

Microsoft has a policy in place that forbids app developers of using the name of a Microsoft product within its own name. As per Microsofts suggestion, ChangeWindows should be called “Changelogs for Windows”.

But there is a Windows Central app… and a MicrosoftInsider app… and a ….

I know, and Microsoft doesn’t give a shit. They did thank me for “reporting” these apps, tho. (I didn’t report them, I mentioned them in my reasoning as to why “ChangeWindows” wasn’t allowed. Besides, it’s not like Microsoft is actually doing anything with that…)

What about that logo?

ChangeWindows has been up for a new logo for quit some time, it’s more an update to our previous logo and I’m not entirely done with it. It still needs more polishing. But yeah, this logo isn’t just for our app, the website will get it too.



Studio 384

I’m the guy from ChangeWindows, you’ll see me blog about ChangeWindows and Windows itself. Maybe I’ll go more diverse one day.