Computers Suck but I Want to Make that Sweet, Sweet Coding Money

Coding as an easy way to gravy-train

Lewis Cunningham
Changing Careers


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

I like to read various boards related to programming, self-learning, etc. Learning new topics related to programming, as well as mentoring, is a passion project of mine. I love programming and helping others improve. And that leads to this post.

Someone had a question. I paraphrase, “I don’t really like computers but I was thinking about becoming a programmer. They make good money and I have heard it is easy to learn. Is this a good career change for me?”

There are four items I want to speak to in that question. I’ll start at the bottom and work my way up.

Is this a good career change for me?

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say, “Um, no.” I believe everyone should code. At least learn a little bit. But don’t go into a career change blindly. Some people are born to code, some are trained to code and some just will never make it as a coder.

Let me address the next parts and my reasoning for the above will become clearer.

I have heard it is easy to learn

Where did you hear that? It can be easy. It comes kind of naturally to me and always has. The first time I sat down to learn how to code, I…



Lewis Cunningham
Changing Careers

Writer, coder, & data architect. Likes to develop software, mentor others, get certifications, and write. Not necessarily in that order.