How to Live Better With Something You Hate

Five things you can do. Because hating something every day hurts the people you love.

Anne Hartt
Unapologetically Me


We all live with things we don’t like…even hate. A job, a house, an illness. Long-standing hate and negativity bleeds into other aspects of our lives whether we want it or not.

  • Hating a job translates into coming home irritated, steadily venting and bitching to our partner.
  • Hating our house turns into constantly complaining to anyone who will listen.
  • Hating pain becomes a never-ending rant.

Before we know it, everyone is in a shit mood and dreads when we come home.

Hate and negativity fills our space. When it’s at the centre of our universe, everything becomes tainted. It darkens our every encounter and bleeds smog into all facets of life. Love feels dampened. Happiness is shrouded. Passion is diminished. Without enough light to feed our soul, it withers.

Like it or not, we have to learn to coexist with our nemesis in such a way it doesn’t wreak havoc in our lives and, inadvertently, the lives of our loved ones.

Five Tested Techniques That Helped for Me



Anne Hartt
Unapologetically Me

Unapologetically real, potty-mouthed straight-shooter writing about self, sex, life and love. There’s nothing politically correct about me.