Hello Universe

Michael Gabriel Becker
Changing Worlds
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2018
“A fountain pen on an open journal” by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

This is not my first time attempting to start a journal. I have not paid attention to the times, but this is around my sixth time. I have been determined to keep on, but have not had the accountability in keeping at it. Why is that?

I will be honest, I have not had the self-esteem to keep up with one. Thinking I am worth wanting to remember.

“But wait,” you say to yourself. “You are a published author, run a podcast, have more projects in the works, are determined to change worlds, and believe you can. How do you have self-esteem issues?”

Yeah, the psychiatrists are wondering the same thing about why I am a suicidal depressant, yet here we are. As my fiancé, Tori, likes to say: Ta-da!

So why do I wish to write one if I do not have the self-esteem to support myself? Back to the suicidal depressant part. I am learning how important it is for me to do things to occupy my brain. I already possess a love of writing, if you could not already tell. A study at Cambridge has shown that regular journaling improves your emotional and physical health.⁠ Why not give it a try again?

I am starting soon a series called Remember Yourself, for people with mental health issues like me. Who have been in mental hospitals, and are now out in the scary world. But in order to help people remember themselves, I should take my own advice and remember myself, eh? In journaling, I aim to learn and remember who I am and become a better writer in the process.

Again, accountability. How can I keep up with it? That is where you come in. I am sure at least one person out there in this immense world called Earth will be interested in reading it. And for me, one person is all it takes. If I can influence one person, I consider that work a success. (No pressure.)

In programming, the first lesson one learns to code is a line that says hello world. This is my hello world except the world is too small for me.

Hello Universe. My name is Michael Gabriel Becker. Author, Citizen Scientist, Educator, and Futurist. I have been changing worlds since 1993. Prepare for a crazy adventure.

Cue epic music.

Edited by Victoria Miller.



Michael Gabriel Becker
Changing Worlds

Author, Citizen Scientist, Educator, and Futurist. Changing the world since 1993.