Drawings for School #ClimateStrike

Gianluca Costantini
Published in
5 min readSep 20, 2019

All You Need to know


Students are walking out of school and going on #ClimateStrike to call on governments to keep warming below the unacceptably dangerous level of 1.5 degrees Celsius and protect our future. See this video from Greta Thunberg, the 15-year old Swedish student who sparked the movement — and then join the strike!

Download the drawings in high resolution


Heat waves, floods, and hurricanes are killing hundreds and devastating communities across the world. Climate change is already a deadly reality. Governments are meeting for the UN climate talks right now in Poland, and despite the latest stark warning from climate scientists that we have only 12 years to reverse course, politicians are ignoring their call. What use is it learning facts if adults ignore them? That’s why Greta and her fellow students are walking out of school to teach politicians a lesson in leadership. Read more here.


Every Friday. Sep 20 is the next big Global Climate Strike.



  1. Talk to your parents explaining what you are doing and why, and ask them to support you.
  2. Record a video telling your story, and post it on social media tagging your friends, YouTube influencers, leaders, and others — calling on them to join the #ClimateStrike. Use these hashtags too: #ActNow #FridaysForFuture
  3. Make a sign calling for whatever you want your leaders to do on climate. It could be “100% clean energy!” or “listen to science!” It’s your call — be creative!
  4. Talk to your schoolmates and teachers — tell them why you care about climate change and ask them to join you on Friday’s #ClimateStrike.
  5. Share this toolkit with anyone who’s interested in supporting or finding out more.
  6. Join the #ClimateStrike on a Friday. Make sure to agree a specific time in advance so everyone knows when to join! When the time comes, walk out of school in whatever way you think best.
  7. Once you’ve walked out — choose what is right. You might want to hold a quick rally on the school steps. Or you might want to sit on the steps outside your local politicians’ office and demand they take urgent climate action.
  8. How this has an impact — share photos and videos of the #ClimateStrike on social media, and tag your leaders.
  9. Please keep the #ClimateStrike peaceful and nonviolent at all times.


  1. Talk to your children who are in school and explain this campaign to them if they do not know yet. Show them Greta’s video.
  2. Ask them if they’d like to strike and give them your approval and encouragement.
  3. Talk to teachers at the school saying that you support your children’s decision to strike to make a stand for climate action to protect our future.
  4. Talk to other parents inspiring them to speak with their children as well. Share with neighbours and community gatherings.
  5. Help your kids prepare for the #ClimateStrike by brainstorming and making signs, helping coordinate, prepare them to present to classmates and teachers, etc.
  6. Join the strike with your kids if possible and make it a family action!


  1. Talk to your students about the strike and explain this campaign to them if they do not know yet. Show them Greta’s video and host discussions.
  2. Ask them if they’d like to strike and give them your support.
  3. Talk to fellow teachers to inspire them to do the same with their students.
  4. Speak with the school administration along with fellow teachers to show your support for the school students taking a stand to protect our future.
  5. Assure parents who may be uncertain or opposed and support your students.
  6. Join the strike with your students if possible!


Here are some key facts you can use to talk to your peers about why you’re going on #ClimateStrike:

  • There is no debate among climate scientists that human-generated carbon pollution is the primary reason for global warming.
  • The 6 hottest years on record have all been since 2010.
  • Climate-related disasters like floods, hurricanes, heat waves, and droughts cause hundreds of billions of dollars of damage every year, destroying lives and communities across the world.
  • We have the solutions — renewable energy is cheaper than fossil fuels across much of the world.
  • Students from Sweden to Australia to Japan have been striking to hold leaders accountable to deliver on the kinds of action needed that will protect the future for everyone.



Gianluca Costantini

Artist | Activist «The Imagination is not a State: it is the Human Existence itself» William Blake https://www.channeldraw.org