What is the Simplest CRM Today?

Chris Wu
Published in
10 min readDec 2, 2022

Keeping your CRM Simple

What is the simplest CRM out there today in 2022? Do you even need a CRM? If yes, how should you use it and what should you expect your CRM to help you achieve? If you’ve come with questions, we’ve got answers.

Hands typing on a Laptop

What is a CRM?

First to back up to the basics, what is a CRM? CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management — and it is often used as shorthand to refer to software that holds a businesses customer information. That includes things as basic as your name or purchase history, but can be as detailed as archiving entire conversations or interactions between a company and a customer, or minute details like what color flip flop you prefer.
Whether or not you were already aware of the definition of a CRM, you are likely already in hundreds, if not thousands of CRM out there. Why do businesses need a CRM to store this kind of information?

Simply put — the better a business understands its customers, the more they can provide products and services that serve their consumers wants and needs, leading to more sales and repeat purchases.

Two people shaking hands over a laptop

Sounds simple enough in theory, however as countless entrepreneurs and small business owners find out every day, though the concept of a CRM may be straightforward — the implementation and navigation of modern CRM software can be more than just a headache, it can be downright confusing.

State of Current CRM platforms

To explain the complexity of a modern day CRM, take one of the world’s leading CRM software, Salesforce. You may have not personally heard Salesforce — but it is a powerhouse giant in the B2B software world, often recognized as the first SaaS solution to be built from scratch. Fast forward to today — in 2022, their yearly revenue was $26.5 billion (that’s with a capital B). That is more than the $23 billion in revenue that McDonald’s earned in 2021.

USD money spread over wood table

Some SaaS giants are praised for their simplicity and ease of use, like overnight teleconferencing success, Zoom. The easy to use nature of Zoom may have even been a contributing factor as to how they were able to grab so much market share from incumbents like Microsoft Teams and Webex. Yes, we all accidentally turned our camera on when we rolled out of bed — or have painfully experienced the echo when two computers have their mics and audios on at the same time — but most wouldn’t say they require any sort of training to operate Zoom.

Not so for the likes of Salesforce — or other major top CRM providers. A normal amount of difficulty or complexity may call for the likes of a user guide or FAQ, but would you expect to sign up and pay for a course in order to learn how to operate this software? On popular online learning course site, Udemy — there are currently 76 courses dedicated just to learning Salesforce. The most popular course on Udemy under the Salesforce section (yes, there is an entire section dedicated to Salesforce) is comprised of 10 hours of coursework over 30 hours. Simple? Not so much.

Frustrated woman holding her head with left hand in front of laptop

The Simplest CRM?

Naturally, small and medium sized business owners, startups, and entrepreneurs are frequently strapped for time — and so looking for a “simple” CRM solution is quite common. But trying to crown the simplest CRM is a bit like determining which is the “best” fast food burger — everyone will have a different criteria for choosing.

Something to note — there are various types of CRMs out there to match the different types of businesses that exist. For that reason, when it comes to choosing a CRM, consideration for your business needs should be carefully weighed. That’s why even word of mouth can’t be the sole determining factor — as a very sales focused CRM might be the perfect tool for some, whereas you may need a more marketing heavy tool (or vice-a-versa).

In addition, the following list is not advocating that any one of these CRMs can truly take the moniker as “simplest”, rather that no one could argue that any of them isn’t simple in one way or form. Here are some suggestions of the “simplest” CRM for you based on your needs and particular situation. (For pricing, we’ve included the base or cheapest price to get a fair comparison across tiers.)


Focused on Getting to Know Customers

Channel.io website, looking at the CRM section of the “marketing” page

Channel.io’s CRM — and the platform as a whole is built with the purpose of letting businesses communicate with their customers, and through that communication to build relationships, which are stored in the CRM. Whereas some CRM have you input information by hand, Channel.io primarily builds the CRM through the connection with the platform’s included live chat.

So when visitors come and ask questions through the live chat or interact with a support bot — the contact, the interaction, and the activities the person took on the site before and during the chat are simply and automatically added to the CRM.

Channel.io CRM, detailed person view

Searching, filtering, segmentation are all made more powerful by the fact that customizable fields allow personalized information to be collected and stored in Channel.io. For example, if you ran an online shop selling Pet Goods, you could collect information on if a customer has cats or dogs, their pets food preference — even down to their pet’s specific food allergies! Then, you can search, sort, filter, and segment based on these detailed preferences, and use this insight to target and understand your customers on a truly deeper level.

Learning how to operate and use the CRM can be learned in minutes, making it a worthy contender for the title of Simplest CRM. The catch? There aren’t as many integrations with outside providers as other CRMs have, meaning if you already are using many other services, it might make more sense to replace other services with Channel.io, as opposed to connecting them all in a big web.

Price: $36 per month, $30 per month billed annually (no limit to the number of seats or users, unlimited contacts)

Great if you’re… a business or team that wants a simple to use all-in-one solution that combines customer chat and CRM as a way to help you build better and deeper relationships with your customers.

Less Annoying CRM

A CRM, Nothing More, Nothing Less

Less Annoying CRM website homepage

If 100% simplicity in the most plain and straightforward way of thinking is what you’re looking for — you’re probably the person who will enjoy Less Annoying CRM. Not only does it have the easiest to understand pricing, but when it comes to the barebones what you need out of a CRM — an easy way to add, check, sort, and utilize contact information, Less Annoying CRM checks all the boxes.

It is the epitome of delivering on exactly the definition of a CRM is, which is both its strength and what will turn some people off about it. Since it really is that simple, there isn’t much to say about it, but it is really nice to see how straightforward the company is about their product. The downside? Though it has some integrations, it does lack some of the polish and increasingly more common features that other CRMs offer for larger teams.

Price: $15 per user per month (enterprise pricing starts at 10+ users/month)

Great if you’re… a small team that only wants and needs the barebones and is hoping to use the least amount of thought and effort to get what you need out of a CRM.


Made for Salespeople by Salespeople

Pipedrive CRM web homepage

CRM are often used by multiple teams in an organization, so they have to be flexible enough to hand a client from team to team. Pipedrive isn’t such a product. Self proclaimed as “The first CRM designed by salespeople, for salespeople,” Pipedrive is truly a product that knows what it is, AND who it is for. There are many benefits that come with this internal understanding of the product and its purpose.

As a software that is dedicated to improving your sales — you can expect that Pipedrive’s features are optimized to help you track sales from lead stage, all the way to deal closing, and post sales.

Really helpful are the reminders and bevy of integrations that help to keep salespeople’s minds off of mindless repetitive work — leaving your team to have more bandwidth to handle more complicated strategy and planning. A negative that seems to be shared across reviews is a less-than-stellar support team. Users also report that certain add-on features, like chat bots and web forms, can glitch out and cause frustrations and headaches. That being said, depending on your needs, these might be worth it if it can help increase your closed deals.

Price: $15 per user per month, $12.50 per user per month billed annually

Great if you’re… a sales team that wants to track, measure, and improve your sales process.

monday sales CRM

A comfortable add-on for monday fans

monday.com home webpage

Though not necessarily known for its sales CRM, by offering it, monday.com adds another functionality to its suite of products that make it easy enough to stay within the ecosystem. As they explain it, monday.com’s sales CRM is built on top of their Work OS — meaning it is a great option for those already familiar with, or using monday.com (which itself has a lot to love).

Those who aren’t familiar with monday.com, it became popular due to team collaboration being made easy with various dashboards, automations, and integrations — allowing teams to “accomplish more, together.” The sales CRM puts a sheen of polish and sales specific features to the product, which can and has been hacked together to be used as CRM by inventive users for years. One of the very attractive features is the ability to try it out for free (up to 1,000 contacts and 2 team members).

The not so good — because it is truly more of an addition to the monday OS, some customers have experienced sales specific features behaving wonky, and thus feeling “half baked”.

Price: $37.5 per month, $30 per month (smallest plan of 3 seats, $10 per seat per month, $12.5 per seat per month billed annually)

Great if you’re… already a monday.com user (and a fan) — or a solopreneur who would like to get your feet wet with what a CRM is, for free.


Simplicity earned through learning

Keap CRM home webpage

Alright all you big rollers, we saved the most expensive for last. Though it comes with a steep price tag, Keap does its best to live up to the name of “all-in-one CRM and sales & marketing automation platform.” From email & text marketing, to a Keap Business Line for work calls and text, all the way to one-on-one coaching and 24/7 support, Keap is the definition of a powerful tool to help you transform your business (if you can afford it). Because of its high level of comprehensiveness — users rate most main features to be well functioning, even to the point that learning curve can be an issue, owing to how much you can do (but also, how much you may have to learn).

In this sense, what is “simple” about Keap is that you’d ideally only need to use Keap and wouldn’t need as many other services to go along with it. Plus, even when it is a bit confusing, the community and customer support are generally highly rated, meaning you should be able to get help without too much struggling on your own.

If we are being really picky, Keap could be left off of this list based on how much there is to learn, but for those who put in the time and effort, it does tend to make their lives much more simple.

Price: $169 per month, $129 per month billed annually (includes 1500 total contacts and 2 seats)

Great if you’re… wanting one service to handle many needs (and have the time and budget for such a powerful platform).

Wrap Up: CRM, Simply Put.

There are more CRMs these days than you can shake a stick at, and more are popping up everyday — however business needs aren’t getting smaller, they’re growing, so don’t expect this trend to change.

Not everyone needs a CRM, but as businesses grow and scale, a CRM quickly becomes an essential lever and tool to grow to the next stage, and to retain customers.

For those in need of a CRM but without the time, energy, or funds to go for an enterprise level CRM like Salesforce, there are plenty of affordable, and simple options that will help you grow your business.

Originally published at https://channel.io/en.

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Chris Wu

Writes about Teaching & Training, Working in Korea, Customer Experience, Career Quest, and any anything else that comes to mind.