Channels is Launching

Content Posting Incentives

Kingston Duffie
2 min readDec 14, 2017


If you haven’t already been to Channels, you should check it out. We’ve just launched the world’s first micropayment-based content market and we’re working hard to make it possible for those who create great content to get paid fairly for it.

As part of the launch, we are announcing an incentive program to encourage people with good content to publish it on Channels. This is in addition to whatever money they are able to earn directly from their readers.

The program is simple. Each day we are allocating a certain budget to give away to people who have posted content. It is given away based on how many readers have viewed your content that day. Each day we announce the amount of the day’s budget that will be paid to the content author as a supplement to the amount the reader is paying.

Our launch date is December 15, 2017. On this first day, our budget is $150 and we’ll be giving the equivalent of $1 to each content creator when a reader pays for their card. The reader may only have to pay, say, 5 cents. But the content creator will earn $1.05. That’s just for one view! So those who can bring in a lot of followers could make a lot of money.

We will continue these payments until the budget is exhausted for the day. Then it starts all over again the next day with a new budget and a new per-view amount. These amounts, when available, are displayed on our home page.

At the same time, we are also helping consumers pay for the content they want. When a consumer opens a card, they pay for it out of their Channels balance. But during the launch phase, the network will then slowly pay them back — replenishing their balance gradually over the next few days. Eventually readers can earn tokens by consuming promoted content if they choose. But until our platform has a healthy set of advertisers, we’re stepping in to keep things running smoothly.

