Channels Preview is Live

First milestone complete

Carl Hubbard
2 min readOct 5, 2017


There’s very few of us and what we’re building is BOLD!

A new content network where users pay and get paid for the content they consume.

We have to be extremely selective in how we spend out time. A picture is worth a thousand words and we really needed a picture to show people what we’re talking about. Well here it is.

An image of the feed on our network where you as a user pay publishers directly for the content you consume and, are paid directly by advertisers when you give your attention to an ad.

We completed this milestone last week and the preview went live on Monday (2-Oct). You can see it here.

So what next? Well our other key concept is that the content you consume on Channels is as diverse in form as it is in subject matter. We call each one of these pieces of content a card. When you open a card it delivers its content interactively in a form limited only by the imagination of the card developer: a video, a photo array, a game, an audio clip, an interactive recipe, an interactive map, anything. Again, we really need to show this for people to understand the experience of accessing such diverse content in one feed. So next up are a first set of working cards. From there we’ll move on to implementing the secret sauce that keeps the money moving around the network exactly as it should.

Stay tuned to see our first cards in action next week.

