Channex Update 7th October

Evan Davies
Channex Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2020

Welcome to our newest update, has some welcome fixes and small features added.

Better API Error Notifications

Many integration partners have mentioned that just saying something failed is not that useful and we listened. Now we will validate much better and give a better response so you can find out the issue without asking support.

So if you send the wrong format for price such as floating point instead of string we will tell you about it!

Expedia Promotion and Derived Mapping

This was a tough one, we didn’t want you to map all the promo and derived rate plans that might exist but also have them come back properly if they are booked.

The problem was that Expedia would book a promotion rate and provide that booking with the promo rate ID. That ID wasn’t mapped so we had a unmapped issue.

We have fixed this with some clever trick to use the Expedia product API to find out who the parent rate plan is of the promotion rate and map accordingly.

The Result: Much easier mapping for Expedia to only need to map real rate plans.

Other Small Things

  • Airbnb we will now show the listing ID, this helps if you have lots of listings with similar names!
  • Airbnb now has a refresh button to pull fresh listing information, this helps since some things can be editable in Channex and the extranet.
  • Expedia support for collecting extra information on virtual credit card
  • Improved issues feature by allowing to close an issue even if not fixed and to save some mappings for future issues.



Evan Davies
Channex Blog

Tech Entrepreneur. Founder of, the new secure hotel distribution system.