I Ran Into a Car Today on My Bicycle

Let’s examine this and seek to spiritually decode the situation


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Relax Esther George and Claire Kelly I did not get seriously hurt — I would have told you on Slack or What’s App if I had. Why didn’t I tell you directly that I had an accident — you both worry too much about me.

When rushing to get out of the house to make it to my last heavy bag punching strength and aerobic exercise class at Everybody Fights (I am not an affiliate and I also recommend CKO and likely any other such establishment), before moving tomorrow, which I did on the way to Crumbl (no affiliation either) to surprise my daughter with a UPS package of cookies, I grabbed my license and my insurance card. I almost never take them with me. As I did, I thought to myself, I wonder if I will get injured today.

The accident occurred after the heavy bag class and close to Crumbl. My fault entirely. I approached a red light and a car was at the perpendicular red light. I should have obeyed traffic laws and stopped and waited instead of chancing it, particularly from the far right lane. The car’s light changed, which I didn’t see and the car began to pull out with me now barreling directly for her door. I did not panic at all, which I will discuss below. I subconsciously computed that if I jammed my breaks I would probably still…



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
ChannSpirations and Coincidences

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.