The Power Button

A great symbolism inside all the houses

Anthi Psomiadou
ChannSpirations and Coincidences


I see the power button on so many devices.
Signals are all day long in front of our eyes.
This one indicates what principles have to be commingled
for energy to be produced; a kind of birth to take place.
The curved line is the feminine principle, the straight one is the masculine.
The first welcomes the second one, for the vessel to be properly filled;
That’s also what’s happening when bodies are mixed to create life,
to re-form a miracle, for the existence to continue thriving.
In every birth more widened the range of perception becomes,
and each individual reaches cycle by cycle the soul’s radius and expands.
By broadening ourselves we also work for the collective
for our species to be lifted, to remember that lives in eternity.
Just as the Cosmos, so the world, by the same Laws are governed.
Those Laws were passed on to us, by ancestors that gathered
the conclusions of their observation of the world and themselves.
The conscience has all the knowledge of the existence enclosed,
engraved is in us everything we need to move on.
So, “Birth is everywhere; everything has a masculine and a feminine principle”.
That’s also like this in you; you enclose a drop of cosmogony.
Mystical isn’t far from the world you act wearing blinkers.
Look at your devices, the power button is one of the reminders.



Anthi Psomiadou
ChannSpirations and Coincidences

Writing, Life Coaching, Criminology, and more. But I simply do these, I am not these. I just am. Born and living in Greece (in both Ancient and modern…)