We’re Sleepwalking Through Pain

Hurting each other along the way

Diana C.
ChannSpirations and Coincidences


Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

As explained by Oxford Languages, sleepwalking implies walking around and sometimes performing other actions while asleep. I will make a bold statement and claim that these fully unconscious actions are a fabulous analogy for the mindless acts we do, reactions we have and words we spit out during our state of “wakefulness”.

Ironically, our state of “wakefulness” is actually one of somnambulism with few glimpses of awareness of a less filtered reality. The sum of these glimpses may, at some point, during this lifetime or another, make us realize that we’re all sleepwalking through life and, inevitably, sleepwalking through pain. Just like this “disorder of arousal” may cause us to hit the furniture and other objects during the process, so may our sleepwalking through life inflict pain unto those who happen to be standing in our way.

Yes, we hurt each other.


Yet, it’s not so much about whether it’s intentional or unintentional, as it is about acknowledging we’re a bunch of wounded kiddos sleepwalking through pain. The question is, how can we awaken compassion in order to see that the way we act towards others is a reflection of what is being held within ourselves (but continously projected outwards)?




Diana C.
ChannSpirations and Coincidences

Founder & Editor of KTHT. Here to pen, polish and provoke thoughts / linktr.ee/ktht