Alone in the Snow by Paul Mansfield using MidJourney


My Last Icy Breath

A harrowing tale of the struggle for survival stranded on an Arctic mountain during a brutal snowstorm. As his strength dwindles, circumstances force him to confront the reality of his mortality and accept the reality of dying alone in the frozen wilderness.


The frigid Artic winds swirled like a pack of wolves around me, biting into my skin, stealing away my warmth. The snow fell gently at first, then danced like a dervish around me, blinding me and whipping me like an apostate returning to the fold after succumbing to temptation.

I knew I was taking my last icy breaths. The merciless blizzard would soon claim me as its prize. But even as my consciousness faded, a glimmer of hope appeared in the distance, a solitary light flickering like a campfire in the dark, beckoning me to hold on just a little while longer.

Alas, ‘twas only the twinkling of a star.

Alternative Tellings

To add an interesting (at least interesting to me) twist to my story, I asked ChatGPT to write a similar short story describing an Arctic mountain. The twist I asked was for the writing…



Paul Mansfield

A mage of the pen, whose magic springs from the telling of tales. An iconoclast who promotes all fiction, but whose love is Transgressive Fiction.