breaking or writing laws and death

Gavin Robert
Chaos Finding Form
Published in
4 min readJun 22, 2023


I’m still learning, a ton, every day, and this keeps me youthful and excited.

The second you give this up you do, and we could die tomorrow and death is the real constraint, so chase your dreams (lol) but it’s true, death is a great motivator. You will cease to exist, thats probably one of the only things we know is true.

I never took a single word of feedback from all my years of school, even into college and beyond I’ve realized.

I looked at the feedback, sometimes, but I was so full of myself at the time that I never took any of it to heart.

try and not to do this, feedback is incredibly helpful, this is a tool I’m just not learning to use, some feedback is bad though, some people just want to drag you down and take away your spark and jump shot, but some people are genuinely caring and helpful.

I think maybe most people go into accounting for similar reasons, they are like well this can’t not be useful and now im here in college and I’m ambitious and I think I do anything but I don’t know what to do with my life.

Money seems like the path out of this labrinyth of pleasure, at least thats what I thought. And then they realize it’s crushing your dreams after working various accounting jobs and that you actually have a lot less creative freedom them you thought working for someone else.

And yeah, my accounting degree and work experience is invaluable, if in part to make me realize I never want to work a 9–5 again, I’d rather not sell my soul for pleasure, but also I was fascinated by taxation and how people create laws and how if you know them better than other people you win. It’s all just a game of created constructs, that fascinated me.

And learning tax laws and some ways to delay taxation is pretty cool, its also a creative aspect of accounting, because there are tons of different ways you can arrange things, this was fun for a time. But you are still trapped but learning this is beneficial.

You realize everything is that way, its just things that people have created and made complicated, an area of control, there’s some retired government accountant dude who passed a law then opened a tax firm and sold those types of securities because he knows the law so well (he wrote it) I mean I would go to that firm, but you realize that’s all it is, laws are grey. Good and evil are subjective.

We don’t know the intention of the lawmakers, or the person who committed the crime. it’s just arguing, constant noise, and the judge has to see through this, through human impulse and behaviour, or does he just go with whichever lawyer is smarter and has a better grip on the art of persuasion, the world is fucked. Things are relative. But its also beautiful, this is what makes it beauitful, its fucked if you want it to be or the unlimited possibilites can make you feel alive. Breathe. Feel the coffee mug in your hands and the sensations in your body, you are alive. You aren’t a robot doing someone else’s work, you have a unique soul, harness that pottential. Take chances, fall, learn from pain, fall in love with self improvement.

hell I’ve met billionaires who don’t report any of their income and they can afford to spend millions on lawyers to do this, but if they didn’t they would lose it all. There are tax plays, and grey area, and there always is, there are ways you can get around citizenship, if you wanted you could get around almost anything because some other human decided he would create something artificial that doesn’t truly exist and if you understand the game and see the rules of creation you can do anything, if you see human constructs as they are, that’s what lawyers do, they argue over words another person wrote, its just interpretation, an intellectual sword fight, it’s not real, words aren’t real, every person has a slightly different association to words. Whats the difference between someone who breaks laws and someone who writes them, the second person just figured out the game a lot better.

The best skill you can cultivate in yourself in my opinion is creativity, adaptability and openness, being able to move like the wind and never give up and continue learning. You choose your reality, you can choose to see things as restraint, you can see a blockade or you can choose to see them as another challenge on the path of life.

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Photo by Alessio Lin on Unsplasha man going to work in the morning



Gavin Robert
Chaos Finding Form

I believe in the transformative power of mindfulness and love. I enjoy writing in my free time, follow me to join my journey of writing about life.