Here’s why you shouldn’t confine yourself (or your ideas, into a box

Faith in yourself, others, Sex drugs and rock and roll

Gavin Robert
Chaos Finding Form
3 min readJun 21, 2023


Photo by Randy Laybourne on Unsplash

people want you to fit into a box

society wants you to


  1. its boring
  2. you wont do anything spectacular, whats the fun in that
  3. its boring and you will die anyway

think outside the box, words dont matter, none of these ideas or societal forms matter, formatting, get that garbage out of here.

Stephan king said his idea of a life philosophy was to sit down and smoke that baby. I dont disagree

The only things that matter are what we decide do, we choose what to assign meaning to, but letting go of that attachment, going with the flow, thats scary.

Fear, most people live their lives running from this

what do you fear?

I started writing because my writing was one of the only things I didn’t do for other people, I could write however wanted, I was like a kid with an atari game again, freedom. what a feeling

lifes a game too, we just decide its not, life is your perception, its largely the creation of your mind

The second you lose that, the second you throw that towel in, you hang up that hat, and trust me i’ve had to dig that hat up from under years worth of cobwebs, its a death, however small. And people want to take away that spark, because they have given up their own, so they want to take yours away. This power struggle is seen in all aspects of life. The desperation

So choose to adapt, be open, to break through and live.

And they will see you atop the heavens and wonder how, as they hold on with their vicious grip to things in desperation. And you will smile, love and laugh, perfect laughter. For humanity

the best engineer i’ve ever met doesnt do timesheets, this annoys lots of people understandably, but the ceo understands his worth. He’s brilliant beyond money, but do you think he got that good conforming to everything. No he loves his job, because he does it for the creative inspiration, he builds beautiful bridges for the act itself. Dont resign

I met a man worth several hundred million dollars, he sued the largest bank in Canada fo 100 million and won. He wore a pure gold suit to a first nations business meeting, the thing is you’re supposed to dress casual. I dont think the meeting went well but thats not the point, hes one of the most successful investment bankers ever, do you think he did that by conforming. infact the ceo fired him because he was jealous he was making 6x his salary. hence the lawsuit

People dislike the spectacular, dont let this dampen your fire, use it as fuel

fuck them all,

a wise poet once said

(he was burned by the stake a year later, and then exhiled)

Art isnt made on the normal path, its found by stumbling through the dark, through unimaginable pain into a chasm no one has been before and choosing to do a handstand. things are mostly arbitary, we just choose confinement because its easy and not scary.

Beautiful things are not found on the road trodden a million times, or people have already picked them up a thousand times

so choose to l e t go

choose to live, feel and breathe

and do some cool shit with your life

Build a beautiful bridge that breaks time and write a book to stand along the greats, make that your end. atleast thats my idea of meaningful

And like hemingway said, its just one sentece at a time. So try and make each sentence F*cking awesome.

Cheers and have a wonderful day.

And if your ever feeling like your art, writing or work is of questionable nature, just remember

picasso drew a butt



Gavin Robert
Chaos Finding Form

I believe in the transformative power of mindfulness and love. I enjoy writing in my free time, follow me to join my journey of writing about life.