Like trying to build a sculpture out of mid air

Put mindfulness and experiences into words

Gavin Robert
Chaos Finding Form
3 min readAug 18, 2023


Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

cannot be described, only felt, to feel through words, the end of poetry and writing

To tell to experience is through thoughts but it must be felt

Through eyes, nose, body, toes. Breathed in, touched, opened up to the heart of others. Living, without fear, judgement or any thing that brings your desperate humanity into question.

To see and experience, breathe and upon up to everything, defenseless and let go to the sea of life. You are not trying to swim but letting the waves take you. You do not fear loss, for you are simply there, with no fixed aim, the poet within luckily transends ego.

Experiencing as you go along the road, each time you get higher up, the village is more tempting to stay, nicer material things and women, but each time to more on higher and further along. To give in is to die, you are the same nature. No longer moving, resigned to your nature and the allure of easy pleasures, find the girl, thing that feels like rock climbing.

Evoke feeling, give to others, reduce pain and suffering of the masses, built lasting beauitful magnifcence, educate the next generation and show them the road, illuminate the true darkness. Discover secrets of the universe. Not looking for anything. Open to death, love, experience, feel love and let in heal your soul and hence your body and mind.

Who you are, you must know the hand you are delt, at the start we do not, but we can uncover what we have. And each hand has strenghts and weaknesses, we each have native aspects. And then experience comes into play, the middle cards and other players, perspectives and everything else, except in this game, there is no table. The world is your stage and you can choose to play as many or few hands as you choose. Each time you can choose what to take away, whether to feed the beast, let anger in.

Does anything matter, whatever you assign meaning to certainly does, until the last hand is played, and the casino turns off its lights and closes, and then you face the ultimate hand, you feel regrets, you wish you hadn’t let your light extinguish and held on so tight, as you finally are faced with the nature of the universe and you must let go once and for all, so your grip ceases and then you are done. And your ego, your harm and outrage to others, the projects you did entirely for yourself, you probably don’t think about those too much. But the one’s who did to help others, and the people who are by your side because you gave them unconditional trust and appreciation, that illuminates your soul and gives you relief. No more pain, eternal bliss, and you could have felt this all along you realize, all the things that didn’t matter, the desperate human struggle against eachother, when really we are all connected. And then you are connected, and to return to the light from which you came.



Gavin Robert
Chaos Finding Form

Hi! I believe in the transformative power of mindfulness and love! I am also a enthusiast for web3 and blockchain technology and invest in future ecosystems!