Gavin Robert
Chaos Finding Form
Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2023


Most of us live our lives chasing temporary highs, reaching out in desperation for the next hit.

Our vices of choice vary, external stimulus. Some choose validation of the people around them, some validation of the masses, others choose drugs, alcohol, heroine, some use their imagination to escape and provide pleasure, for others its food, video games, for some it’s sex, for some its amassing more and more money, for others it’s race car driving. Temporary, selfish highs.

Take any of these away and it’s emotional. As these are attachments you have made to feel secure and safe.

Modern day suffering is holding on with your desperation to these vices and not letting go. That is the trick, to let go.

“if we could sit in silence for 30 minutes we could cure all human suffering”

Suffering is a choice, your mind is creating a hell for you with thoughts

Without thoughts pain is just pain, neither good nor bad. Just a signal from your body.

“we can make a heaven out of hell and a hell out of heaven”

Remember, you are not your thoughts, don’t let them create a world in which you are sad, enter your body and relax the muscle that is your mind. Reflect today on how your thoughts go away from reality and bring any assumptions you may be making into your awareness.



Gavin Robert
Chaos Finding Form

Hi! I believe in the transformative power of mindfulness and love! I am also a enthusiast for web3 and blockchain technology and invest in future ecosystems!