On the power of Self awareness

Gavin Robert
Chaos Finding Form
Published in
4 min readAug 15, 2023

I ran into a quote I had forgotten from a fellow medium writer, A tale of a late bloomer. Lessons in Self-awareness. | by Ali Tariq Mian | Aug, 2023 | Medium

by Aristotle, the quote goes, “self awareness is the start of all wisdom”

I could not agree more, great philosophers, poets and writers have something in common as I see it, they have all tapped into the universe and brought truths back across, there is a certain flow of similarity among great quotes, and that is what I think my end as a writer is. To tap into that in different scenarios, to make that energy and thought assessable to people in our time and generation, to make it applicable in a world of constant stimulation and noise.

Self awareness, is the most important skill to foster in life.

As you start to observe rather than constantly act and run into walls and then change directions, always reacting, you can start to act and choose your actions.

My Self Awareness Journey

I am sure most people have different journeys to uncovering the importance of self awareness, mine was through deep personal pain.

I looked inwards and was finally able to let go of past traumas through self-awareness and choose who to become. What to do and how to act, and start stepping into the shoes of the person I wished to become for so long.

Meditation and practicing being in the present, feeling and observing your thoughts and emotions flow by, your longing attachments and feeling the pull of your impulse was incredibly transformative in my life.

Feeling and letting go of myself and accepting that I am part of the universe and letting in the energy of the world and that around me was incredible perspective breaking. Understanding your belief systems and how you view the world vs what is and how to crave control and feeling your mind longing to understand and then letting go.

Constant Journey

As with the nature of being and doing and living life, people and myself included crave a sort of easiness, a place to rest and relax, but the irony is that hard work is the easy path, truths are great contradictions.

There is no end, and seeking an end will just cause frustration, it is the moment which happiness exists in, what you are doing now is what is, that is where your attention belongs.

Anxiety largely comes from assumptions about the future and how situations will go, if you let your mind be wrapped up in this negativity, you actually loose control by seeking it. Living in the moment you can defy the odds and let the flow of the world guide you to the light.

Life is a constant, continuous journey, a climb to higher and higher heights. For myself giving in and resigning, retiring is similar to giving up, to dying. But it’s easy, to give in to impulse and return to the pit of despair and familiar human comforts.


keeps you youthful, it keeps the spark in your eyes, learning new skills and mastering, playing new notes on a guitar and listening to the keys and letting the bliss take you, letting yourself invent rhythms and play for the sake of playing, to learn and eventually make something beautiful.

Writing for the experience, trying to do better in this relationship than the last, encountering a situation and instead of going down the easy stone cut path where all it clear, venturing into the woods and doing a different action to improve, being less selfish, trusting and being open, enjoying each moment with them.

Waking up and doing the hard work, doing good to others and yourself in each moment and moving forward, not being at a standstill, the nature of a person who has died. For life allows us to do good, it gives us the opportunity to create something beyond ourselves, to give love into the world and to make a difference in the lives of other people and our own.

It gives us an opportunity to master our nature, to learn about ourselves, and others, and uncover the secrets of the universe, and this wisdom starts with self awareness. It is a gift and we can do something with that, so rather and chase your dreams choose to live them, because you create your reality, become the person you want to do and don’t let your mind hold you back. For you aren’t dead quite yet, but the sands are running and in each moment death etches closer to take it’s due and reunite you with the universe. So reclaim your soul, live and breathe, feel and act in the moment in this life.

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Gavin Robert
Chaos Finding Form

Hi! I believe in the transformative power of mindfulness and love! I am also a enthusiast for web3 and blockchain technology and invest in future ecosystems!