Gavin Robert
Chaos Finding Form
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2023


The most beautiful angels, are human beings.

One step at a time, eventually we fall

There is nothing below, only darkness. You fall gently down until you are cradled in its slow and warm embrace, these hands envelop you in comfort.

A soft white bird drifts through the first rays of light upon the waking world, below there is dimness, held in the heart of each man.

A slight onset of dreary, desolated forgiveness, a backdrop to the startled rumoring of car engines and frantic lives.

There she waits, on the grass across the way, above the sidewalk and beside the third placeholder tree caged within the cement by society’s greed. As she steps onto the pavement, wearing much too loose comfort clothes, and a dark green thrifted turtleneck, she sticks out from the masses like a pale light among a dusk settled sea. To her it is naught, this world is one of many she visits. She walks now with hope of entering another.

She comes now upon the great entrance to the Cafe, looks at the defiant black portal door and grabs hold as she ushers herself into a new waiting world. Inside there is idle chatter, and the familiar rummering of glass, as she takes her place in line she cannot help but smile for some unknown reason. Once it is her time, she orders a hot chocolate, the counter lady eyes her skeptically before typing the order in. “That’ll be 4.99” she says matter of factly, she hands the counter lady a blue coiled 5 which had earlier been crammed into her front pocket. The girl’s only thoughts are of another, currently frozen world. She steps aside and waits once more, moving her white sneakers back and forth without noticing and clicking her nails onto each other. The counter lady brings the drink forth, and smiles slightly as she sets it down. The girl picks it up, warmed by its smouldering heat and rushes to hurriedly discard her bag onto the nearest seat before lounging down besides. She takes a breath and a moment to relax from the heavy clutches of the world, before she unbuckles the bag’s restraints and removes the relic from within. She pauses briefly to hold it with two hands over her chest, before setting it down thoughtfully onto the sweetly glossed wood table, and as she reaches forth to turn the page, she falls back in.



Gavin Robert
Chaos Finding Form

Hi! I believe in the transformative power of mindfulness and love! I am also a enthusiast for web3 and blockchain technology and invest in future ecosystems!