Is There Ever an Excuse for Lateness?

Rorie Jane McCormack
Chaos is an Art Form
5 min readMar 2, 2024


Image: Aron Visuals on Unsplash

I have struggled with chronic lateness my entire life. I find it extremely difficult to be on time, regardless of the importance of the event or how excited I am about attending. My perpetual lateness is a legacy of my undiagnosed ADHD. I was frequently berated for my perceived lack of care, and internalised that my inability to be on time must be a personality flaw.


The closest that I came to managing it was overcorrecting through anxiety to be extra early. This seemed to make other people happy, but it caused a lot of issues for me.

If I had an appointment, I would go into 'waiting mode’. I literally could not do anything else while preparing for the appointment. Often, I would still be late, or as I like to refer to it as, 'last minute’.

I could have all the time in the world and could plan out my time down to the second, and still be late. Eventually, I got it down to an artform. I would be 'almost' late to everything. So, I would have all of the panic and rushing and stress of being late, but would arrive with seconds to spare. Technically on time, but still perpetually late.


This seemed like a good compromise. I didn’t inconvenience anyone but myself. Navigating a neurotypical world, I have found that…



Rorie Jane McCormack
Chaos is an Art Form

Lover of words. Creator of things. Curator of dark curiosities. Host of Propensity: A True Crime Anthology Podcast. Writer of Books (Coming 2024).