Where it all began: The Timeline of the Chaos Toolkit

Plus new logo images and slide resources for the community

Russ Miles
Chaos Toolkit
3 min readJul 30, 2018


From inception to successful open source project, we’ve come a long way with the Chaos Toolkit and there’s much more to come.

Recently we were kindly asked by Mateus Caruccio for the following:

Funnily enough, this got us thinking as we tried to recall how things did start off on this journey. Here’s what we came up with:

  • Mid-2017, Russ Miles and Sylvain Hellegouarch inspired by the Chaos Engineering book and Principles of Chaos Engineering.
  • Dissatisfied with the UX of getting started with Chaos Engineering, Russ and Sylvain set out to create a simple, minimal toolkit for exploring learning and applying Chaos Engineering.
  • Created free and Open-Source community project on September 24, 2017.
  • Created the experiment Open API to create, share and communicate Chaos Experiments during fall 2017.
  • Realizing one toolkit cannot meet all needs, designed the driver API to make it easy to extend the Chaos Toolkit with Chaos inducing and system probing mechanisms.
  • To enable extensions of the CLI itself, a plugin API was created.
  • ChaosIQ the company was incorporated to provide commercial, enterprise support to the Chaos Toolkit, while insuring the spirit of the free and open community is maintained.
  • Collaboration with the CNCF effort in order to establish a Chaos Engineering Working-Group.
  • To enable greater collaboration, the Chaos Hub was conceived early 2018 and open sourced in August 2018.

We’ve come a long way since September 2017 and it was really fun to have an excuse to look back on it all. However Mateus’s tweet also inspired us to do more than simply shoot back a quick response.

We realised there was a bit of a gap in the project documentation around this type of information, and so we’ve gone ahead this morning and plugged that gap!

Chaos Toolkit Resources

We now have a new resources section in our docs that includes logos and a growing list of slides for people to use, all covered under the CC BY 4 license so, as long as you attribute back to the Chaos Toolkit project, you can use these wherever you see fit:

  • Logos
  • Slides (including the timeline slide at the top of this page)

This is a good opportunity to say a huge THANKS to community-member Marc Perrien for designing the logo and helping to design and build the Chaos Toolkit site.

Please feel free to use the above resources to spread the word! The mission of the Chaos Toolkit is to deliver a simple, easy, free and open way for everyone to do chaos engineering and so we really appreciate anyone spreading the word around the Chaos Toolkit.

Getting Involved in the Chaos Toolkit

The Chaos Toolkit is a community-led open source and free project whose goal is to enable everyone to create and use their own automated chaos engineering experiments. Vendor-neutral and free now and always, it’s a great place learn about chaos engineering, to use as the foundation for your own experiments, and even to bring your own chaos engineering experiment requirements and ideas.

You can get involved today by raising issues and feature requests, grabbing the code, or even just joining us on our community slack.

ChaosIQ is a company that provides commercial and enterprise support for the Chaos Toolkit.



Russ Miles
Chaos Toolkit

People, Team and Organizational Developer. Writer, psychologist, speaker and humanistic Head of Engineering. https://twitter.com/russmiles