What is This Place?

Mick Theebs
Chaotic Order
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2021

Chaotic Order is a place for Mick Theebs to share his work.

What is Mick’s work?

Mick writes a huge variety of work and enjoys challenging himself by trying his hand at new genres, modes, and formats of writing. Generally, he tries to create writing that is both thoughtful and entertaining, funny and pensive, intelligent and immensely stupid.

The material on this publication can be summarized with a very old, very tired punchline about the weather in New England: if you don’t like it just wait a few minutes.

Chaotic Order features essays, fiction, poetry, and book reviews.

It covers topics, including but not limited to, politics, storytelling, armchair sociology, armchair philosophy, stuff Mick saw one time, stuff Mick thought he saw one time but ended up just being a dream, consciousness, the slow decline of America in late-capitalism, books, ecological collapse, and a general overview of his deepest thoughts and feelings on why humans do things. If you’re still reading at this point, you’re probably going to like what you see.

Who is Mick Theebs?

Mick Theebs is a writer and artist living in the Metro NYC area. He has lived many lives and had many different jobs. In the past, he has run an indy art website and currently runs his own boutique media company; a free platform for indy presses, lit mags, writers, and readers called Flock; and this Medium publication. Once upon a time, he was the Poet Laureate of a small New England town. Yes, really.



Mick Theebs
Chaotic Order

Writer. Artist. Former Poet Laureate of Milford, CT. Cooks a mean pork chop. http://www.micktheebs.com