Are You Hungry to Beat the Competition?

How to use First Principles Leadership to “eat strategy for breakfast” and create a bespoke culture to give you a winning edge.

Jared R Chaffee, CFA
Chapters & Interludes


“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” — Peter Drucker

Before you begin, check out this quick video that answers the question, “what is corporate culture?

Have you noticed that when there’s a high-profile corporate scandal or large financial loss, it’s usually the person on top who gets fired? That’s because the leader creates- and must answer for- the company’s culture. Culture informs how teams behave even when the leader isn’t looking. So when things go south, it’s generally because the culture enabled it to happen. I’ll give you a quick example:

I spent almost 7 years in the Navy as a submarine officer and after my first 2 deployments, we brought our submarine in for maintenance. A big part of that maintenance was work on the reduction gears- essentially the transmission of the submarine



Jared R Chaffee, CFA
Chapters & Interludes

Navy Submarines | Corporate Leader | Answering leadership & strategy questions using real-world experience |