First Principles Friday: The Great Leader Not-To-Do List

The 10 things to avoid if you want to be on top of your leadership game.

Jared R Chaffee, CFA
Chapters & Interludes


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

“A bad leader can take a good staff and destroy it, causing the best employees to flee and the remainder to lose all motivation.” — Unknown

For the last several weeks I’ve focused First Principles Friday entirely on what it means to be a good leader- what you should be doing. But sometimes our bad habits have a way of creeping in without us even realizing it. In addition to knowing what positive work you should be focused on, you should also be aware of the negative tendencies that could undermine your credibility and success as a leader.

Today, I’ll focus on what leaders should avoid doing. By watching out for these common leadership pitfalls, you can avoid the risk of demoralizing your team, driving them away, and not achieving your goals.

The Leadership Not-To-Do List



Jared R Chaffee, CFA
Chapters & Interludes

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