Secrets of Web3 Community Management with DenX 🧐

Published in
5 min readSep 29, 2022

In the first of our #BehindChapterX ‘Extreme Interview’ series, Marketing Manager New Legends sat down with ChapterX Community Manager DenX. The conversation was epic! đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„

Below, you’ll find a fascinating discussion about how DenX first got involved in Web3 and learned to be a successful Community Manager that builds audiences, creates content, and plans exciting metaverse events.

Hi DenX! Tell us the story of how you first got interested in cryptocurrency and then NFTs.

I was living paycheck to paycheck working in a kitchen and I started learning about cryptocurrency from a friend. At first I struggled to find success in the markets, and didn’t like the high transaction fees of Ethereum. It wasn’t until I came across Binance Chain and Solana that I saw the potential in DeFi and NFTs thanks to lower transaction fees. One of the first projects I bought was Degenerate Ape Academy and found success flipping other NFTs.

From there, I got involved with Woofers and took on some community ambassador roles with a number of Solana projects. I had an event called Woof Wheel Wednesday. I kind of turned that into a marketing strategy for them. I would contact other projects and arrange with them to give away prizes, which helped everyone’s community grow. From there I really developed a passion for NFT community management.

DenX working hard in ChapterX’s Sci-Fi City

Okay, so you’ve just described your experience in crypto and NFTs. What was your first impression of ChapterX and what made you want to shift into Metaverse work?

ChapterX stood out as different from other proposed metaverse projects because they’re already built an amazing product. So that’s kind of bullish. They’ve just been constantly building since the first time I met the team in December. I joined a couple months ago and they’re still at it, still killing the game and still just growing the product and the brand. I would say that’s what made me really excited to be a part of the team.

I’ve enjoyed helping build the community by organizing events in the metaverse and Discord with New Legends. We have poker nights, mini-game challenges in ChapterX, and also host AMAs. Oh, and plenty of giveaways for our players.

As Community Manager, what advice would you give to other projects that want to grow a community in the Web3 space? What does it take to actually build a community in Web3?

Do a lot of research. Go into other Discords, see what they’re doing. See what works. See what doesn’t work. Try out new stuff. See what would you do better. Understand what’s going on in the space and keep up to date with what the meta is, what people are looking for, and what people want.

Because you know what? What worked yesterday might not work today. It’s important to experiment with new ideas. Coming into the space and wanting to do community management involves making connections with tons of people in Web3.

Example of a giveaway hosted by DenX in the ChapterX Discord

How do you assess a project? What makes a good Web3 project?

As far as NFTs, you want artwork that works well as a profile picture on sites like Twitter. A clear picture in that circle on Twitter is surprisingly important when trying to get exposure. If you see everybody’s profile picture on Twitter as a certain NFT, you’re thinking: What is this NFT? Why is everybody buying it? You start doing your research then you buy in based on that visibility. You also want to make sure project is creating utility on Solana. If they have some cool staking reward system where you earn something, that’s also the sign of a good project.

Some other questions to think about: What can this project provide for me? What’s the value that I get for holding this? Am I getting money back? Am I getting another air drop? You know, who are the owners? Are they doxed? All these questions are important to consider before investing in a project or working with them.

So what’s your favorite part about working at ChapterX?

I would say, it’s meeting the talented team, making connections and watching the project grow from where it started to where it’s at now. I think it’s really important in the space that builders build and that’s what ChapterX has been doing consistently for almost a year. My favorite part is that I’m working on a project that’s constantly been delivering quality experiences and features for players.

I think you forgot to mention working with Marketing Manager New Legends.

Oh. Right. You mean the person interviewing me? Yeah I was going to say that, totally.

Thought so.

I think my internet rugged for a moment so you missed that part.

DenX hosting a Woofer event in ChapterX

Okay, time for Quick Hits — We’re gonna ask you some rapid fire questions to close out the interview. I want one word answers. What is your favorite Solana NFT project not including ChapterX?


What is one place you’d love to travel that you haven’t been yet?


What is your favorite color?


What’s your favorite anime?

Neon Genesis Evangelion.

What is your favorite beverage?


What is your biggest fear?


If you could have any superpower, what would you have?


About ChapterX

ChapterX is an immersive Metaverse platform that helps Web3 companies build customizable worlds cost effectively and time-efficiently. Users can opt for fully customizable worlds with unique NFT avatars and games, or the one-click world where you instantly create a pre-made world. Web3 functionalities like in-world DAO governance, game tournaments, voice/video chat are also integrated within the platform.

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