Advice to my Art School Self

Erik Wagner
Characters by the Letter Society


College was a fun, awkward, tiring, inspiring, and enlightening few years. I had my first date, I figured out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, and I went on a European road trip. While I feel that I embraced my time in school, hindsight has allowed me to point out a couple of themes that would’ve been helpful to be aware of on my quest to make something of myself.

Below is advice to my art school self.

Okay, let’s break this advice down into two categories: learning and living. I think that the social side of the college experience is just as impactful and influential as the learning and should be treated as such.

Let’s start with the basics:
1. Work your butt off. It doesn’t sound fun, but I promise it makes a huge difference. Eat, breathe, and dream about design.
2. Take every opportunity to learn something new — whether it be a technique, program, or major altogether.
3. Become friendly with your professors. They are a HUGE resource and are there to watch you blossom into a thoughtful designer.
4. Learn to like coffee — it will become your best friend.

Now for some deeper shit:
5. Don’t spend every waking moment worrying about your future. You know your a hard worker with lofty aspirations — know that that’s enough.
6. (Related to #5) You WILL get a design job. If you want something bad enough, you won’t stop until you have achieved it. So, just calm down and focus on making great work.
7. This one is hard, but don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Design easily becomes subject when there’s room full people staring each other’s work. Just make sure that each project is better than your last and you’ll be fine.

1. Coming from a small town, don’t be afraid to just be yourself. Everyone is going to try really hard to look/sound/smell like a budding, eclectic artist. While this can be annoying from time to time, it will also encourage you to live honestly and truthfully.
2. You don’t have to go to every party or ‘night out’ that your invited to. Stay in, watch some movies, and have some quality time with the roomies.
3. Know that the friends you make in college are going to be some of the most influential people in your life, so make sure to appreciate them and stay in touch.
4. Be promiscuous. Learn what you like, what you don’t like, have great relationships and horrible breakups. Use this time explore yourself and others.

And one last piece of advice, arguably the most important piece. I remember sitting in my first class in my first quarter in my first year of college and the professor asked us all to describe, in one word, the most important characteristic of being a creative-type. I wrote in my sketchbook in big bold letters ’humility’. Stay humble. A humble designer will never be satisfied, never be content, and will always be pushing themselves to do better.

Good Luck!



Erik Wagner
Characters by the Letter Society

Designer by trade, Goonie at heart. I like to make things . @lettersociety