“Birds For Sofia” — 1000 Artists, 1 NFT, 1 Baby’s Life

Rafael Hoekstra
Charged Particles
Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2021

A collaborative NFT by 1000 Artists on Charged Particles

How exquisite bird paintings by artists worldwide and NFTs are joining forces to save the lives of baby, Darina Sorokina.

Initiated by artist Dina Brodsky, over one thousand artists have collaborated to create an epic NFT to raise money for the Birds For Sofia project, a charity dedicated to saving the lives of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA).

Artists submitted their original works to Instagram with the hashtag #BirdsForSofiaNFT. The resulting images have been compiled into an epic mosaic artwork that is soon to be unveiled. It will then be auctioned with the goal of raising $2,100,000, the amount needed to buy the medication required to save the life of 1 baby with SMA.

The monumental mosaic artwork will be released on Monday, October 11th at 8 PM ET. Register here for the Birds For Sofia — NFT Charity Launch Event and meet the artists behind this incredible endeavor of compassion and help.

Bird By Bird — 36 Nested NFTs by Dina Brodsky

Select pieces from Bird By Bird — paintings by Dina Brodsky

Dina Brodsky is a contemporary realist miniaturist, painter and curator, based in New York City. Bird By Bird is her debut NFT on Charged Particles. It comprises 36 hand-painted NFTs Nested in 1 — the outer being the majestic King Penguins painting.

With some concerns for the environmental impact of the Ethereum blockchain, Dina was pleased to learn about the Polygon network.

Now the entire ‘Nest’ is up for sale for 36,000 MATIC. The package is sweetened by Dina’s commitment to paint a new original painting of a bird for the collector of Bird By Bird, and send them the physical artwork.

She will be donating all proceeds to the birdsforsofia.org charity

Dina Brodsky

Birds For Sofia & Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a genetic disease that results in the gradual loss of muscular control. Sadly, most infants diagnosed with the disease don’t survive past the age of two — their muscle groups progressively degenerate, resulting first in loss of motor skills and finally in the failure of the muscles in the lungs and heart.

Fortunately, there is a gene-based drug that helps repair the broken genes and slow the muscular degeneration, but it happens to be the most expensive medicine in the world: $2.1 million per dose. This drug, Zolgensma, is covered by healthcare systems in the USA and parts of Europe, but it is not registered in Russia. Therefore, many Russian families have been turning to online fundraising in order to purchase the medicine.

This is where the Birds For Sofia campaign comes in…

Darina Sorokina

More about Birds For Sofia

Birds for Sofia kicked off in August of 2020 as an Instagram campaign to raise money for Russian baby Sofia Darbinyan, who suffers from spinal muscular atrophy. The aim was to raise both money and awareness, and it was successful. Within days #birdsforsofia went viral and over 1500 bird drawings and paintings were posted. With the awareness created, in less than a month an anonymous donor had filled the funding gap and Sofia got her medicine. But the story doesn’t stop there. Many of the pieces of original artwork from the campaign were gathered into an exhibit at Sugarlift Gallery in NYC and sold to support research for spinal muscular atrophy.

A second viral campaign was created for Tasya Larionova in 2020. This saw dozens of artists on Instagram share songs under the hashtag #songsfortasya. This campaign also successfully raised awareness and funds for Tasya’s life-saving medicine.

The current campaign of #BirdsForSofiaNFT is to raise funds for birdsforsofia.org, which is in the process of being registered as a charity. Darina Sorokina, another child who needs Zolgensma. Darina is one year and ten months old; for the drug to be as effective as possible, it has to be administered before the disease advances too far, and the recommended age for treatment is by the age of two.

Important Links:

BUY THE “Birds for Sofia” NFT

Charged Particles: https://app.charged.fi/go/energize/0x63174fa9680c674a5580f7d747832b2a2133ad8f/647

OpenSea: https://opensea.io/assets/0x63174fa9680c674a5580f7d747832b2a2133ad8f/647

BUY THE “Bird by Bird” NFT (connect your wallet using Polygon to view) Charged Particles: https://app.charged.fi/go/energize/0xe2a9b15e283456894246499fb912cce717f83319/645

Troubleshooting note: You must be connected on Polygon. If you see “Particle Not Found” disconnected and reconnect your wallet and clear your cache data by holding shift and clicking refresh

BUY PHYSICAL PAINTINGS TO SUPPORT DARINA https://www.thebluereviewprojects.com/

DONATE DIRECTLY https://birdsforsofia.org/ http://paypal.me/birdsforsofia

Donate ETH: 0x34930a1217D09983949D5D90DE7096E66a63AA7C

About Charged Particles

Charged Particles is a protocol that allows users to deposit ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 tokens into NFTs. A scarce NFT (e.g. Art, Collectible, Virtual Real Estate, In-Game Item, etc.) can now be transformed into a basket holding a number of other tokens. The Principal amount can be time-locked inside the NFT, and through integration with Aave’s aTokens, the programmable yield from these DeFi yield-generating assets is just a few clicks away.

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