Charged Particles Hackathon Recap

Mango Dogwood
Charged Particles
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2022

Our first public-facing hackathon lead to some incredible new projects and developments. Let’s dive in and see what got built!

Last month we hosted our first hybrid internal/external hackathon challenging teams to build novel products on top of both the Charged Particles protocol as well as hackathon sponsor NFT Perp. Today we take a look at the projects that were built in the week long event.

Honorable Mention — NFT Perp Trader

This tool, built by 0xNonso and team, is a stop/limit order tool built on the NFT Perp contracts. You can check out the github repository here.

Nice work everyone!

3rd Place — Massv!, Bulk Token Energizer

Built by Santiago Cammi and team, Massv is a tool that leverages the Charged Particles protocol to do large scale ‘batch energizing.’ This means you can deposit tokens inside a huge number of NFTs in a single transaction by utilizing a csv sheet. This enables a lot of interesting new use-cases in the world of bundling assets and airdrops.

2nd Place — Phoenix, Innovative NFT Drop

Developed by Rob Secord and his team, Phoenix NFT created a number of interesting new tools in the domains of token burning, staking, and community onboarding.

Existing holder of the Phoenix NFT can vote to allow new members to enter the community by burning their Phoenix Eggs. At the time of burning, users can modulate how much ETH they’d like to pay and how long they’d like to stake, both of which increases the rarity score of the Phoenix they’ll mint. Once someone has burnt their egg and claimed their Phoenix, they automatically start accruing PHX tokens inside their NFT.

Learn more about the ins and outs of this project here.

1st Place — Testudo, Personalized and Semi-Automated Indices for Retail Investors

The Grand Prize in our first official hackathon comes from the external hacking team lead by Benedikt Burger, and we’re incredibly stoked with what they’ve built.

Using the Charged Particles protocol, Testudo have developed a tool for creating personalized token indices with sliding scales for risk tolerance. This risk tolerance is then reflected in the spread of the tokens which are then automatically bundled together inside the basket NFT.

What’s Next?

After such a successful hackathon, we couldn’t wait to see more thing built with the Charged Particles protocol so we jumped in as Polygon Ecosystem Support for the ongoing Coinbase “BUIDL the Future” hackathon which is happening now!


About Charged Particles

Charged Particles is a protocol that allows users to deposit ERC-20 tokens(ANY tokens) into an NFT. A scarce NFT (e.g. Art, Collectible, Virtual Real Estate, In-Game Item, etc.) can now be transformed into a basket holding a number of other tokens. The Principal amount can be time-locked inside the NFT, and through integration with Aave’s aTokens, the programmable yield from these DeFi yield-generating assets is just a few clicks away.

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