Charged Particles Is Going Live On Polygon This Friday

Things are heating up at the Charged Particles HQ

Jon Kruzeniski
Charged Particles
3 min readJun 23, 2021


High gas costs have served as a barrier to entry for the majority of NFT creators and lead to less-than-inclusive conditions for the industry-at-large. High gas costs not only stunt industry growth directly by discouraging many artists from minting NFTs and participating in liquidity mining; but also indirectly because the higher the gas costs; the less experimentation there will be in creative and cutting-edge use cases that naturally arise with lower transaction fees.

Polygons full-stack scaling solution solves this problem, and it’s why we are thrilled to be going live on Polygon this Friday; which coincides with our 4th Metaverse Event: Liquid Energy. Liquid Energy will be our first Metaverse Art Drop done on Polygon, and our artists are already ecstatic about the ridiculously low minting costs. One artist in particular was minting NFTs at a rate of 1000 transactions for 5 pennies. At that rate with 10 cents you could mint NFTs forever!

The low transaction costs of minting on Polygon will lead to the creation of an abundance of innovative and creative NFT use cases; while ushering in liquidity mining to Main Street. Lower gas costs mean more NFTs minted and the discovery of innovative and creative use cases to combine NFTs and DeFi.

Our relationship with Polygon started in March of this year; when Polygon awarded Charged Particles a grant to begin building on their full stack scaling solution. We’ve since been focused on integrating and deploying and are thrilled to announce we have finished final testing and will be going live this Friday!

Our initial integrations include:

  • the ability to mint NFTs (ERC-721 & ERC 1155) on full-stack scaling solution
  • the ability to deposit ERC-20 tokens into those NFTs
  • the ability to resell those NFTs on other NFT platforms
  • the ability to yield-farm $IONX, $MATIC & $AAVE

We’re excited with how far we’ve come working with Polygon, and can’t wait to see how our ecosystem evolves as we go live on Polygon — stay tuned!

About Polygon

Polygon is a protocol and a framework for building and connecting Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks. Aggregating scalable solutions on Ethereum supporting a multi-chain Ethereum ecosystem, Polygon solves the pain points associated with blockchains, without compromising on security, low transaction fees, and transaction speed.

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About Charged Particles

Charged Particles is a protocol that allows users to deposit ERC-20 tokens(ANY tokens) into an NFT. A scarce NFT (e.g. Art, Collectible, Virtual Real Estate, In-Game Item, etc.) can now be transformed into a basket holding a number of other tokens. The Principal amount can be time-locked inside the NFT, and through integration with Aave’s aTokens, the programmable yield from these DeFi yield-generating assets is just a few clicks away.

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