Charged Particles & Polygon Partnership

Jon Kruzeniski
Charged Particles
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2021

Charged Particles sits at the intersection of the two most exciting spaces in cryptocurrency: NFTs and DeFi. Two of the major hurdles our community has faced have been the high gas costs of minting NFTs and the fact that high gas costs make liquidity mining economically unjustifiable for the majority of individuals.

Polygons full-stack scaling solution solves both these pain-points. Lower gas costs will lead to an explosion in NFTs being minted while at the same time making liquidity mining justifiable for everyone. Polygons scaling solution truly democratizes DeFi and the NFT space, and we couldn’t be happier to be partnering with such an amazing team over at Polygon.

Our relationship with Polygon started in March of this year; when Polygon awarded Charged Particles a grant to begin building on their full stack scaling solution. We’ve since been focused on integrating and deploying and are ready to finish final testing and go live in the next couple of weeks! Our initial integrations on full-stack scaling solution is focused on:

  • the ability to mint NFTs (ERC-721 & ERC 1155) on full-stack scaling solution
  • the ability to deposit ERC-20 tokens into those NFTs
  • the ability to resell those NFTs on other NFT platforms
  • the ability to yield-farm $IONX, $MATIC & $AAVE

Polygons scaling solution will lead to the creation of an abundance of innovative and creative NFT use cases; while ushering in liquidity mining to Main Street. Lower gas costs mean more NFTs minted and the discovery of innovative and creative use cases to combine NFTs and DeFi.

We’re excited with how far we’ve come working with Polygon, and are eager for what the future has in store!

Why are we excited?

Rob Secord, Founder, Charged Particles

“At Charged Particles we’re huge fans of Polygon and how they significantly lower gas prices and transaction speeds without a significant loss in security. High gas fees have plagued DeFi and NFTs; leading to opportunities only being economically justifiable for whales. Now, with a Layer 2 scaling solution on Polygon going live in the coming weeks, we’re going to see an explosion in the new and creative NFTs and uses cases, while democratizing the accessibility that lower gas fees bring to the liquidity mining space.”

Sandeep Nailwal, Co-Founder, Polygon

“We’re thrilled to welcome Charged Particles to the vibrant NFT ecosystem on Polygon, allowing users to combine the power of ERC-20 tokens and NFTs, all while using Polygon-grade txns.”

About Polygon

Polygon is a protocol and a framework for building and connecting Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks. Aggregating scalable solutions on Ethereum supporting a multi-chain Ethereum ecosystem, Polygon solves the pain points associated with blockchains, without compromising on security, low transaction fees, and transaction speed.

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About Charged Particles

Charged Particles is a protocol that allows users to deposit ERC-20 tokens(ANY tokens) into an NFT. A scarce NFT (e.g. Art, Collectible, Virtual Real Estate, In-Game Item, etc.) can now be transformed into a basket holding a number of other tokens. The Principal amount can be time-locked inside the NFT, and through integration with Aave’s aTokens, the programmable yield from these DeFi yield-generating assets is just a few clicks away.

Stay in touch with Charged Particles

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