Charged Particles V2 is live!

Sam Casey
Charged Particles
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2022


Version 2 of the Charged Particles Protocol is now live! V2 includes major updates at the Smart Contract level, and minor updates to the user interface of More updates to the UI will continue to roll out over time. This article provides an overview of what’s new, and a primer on if and when you should migrate your V1 Particles to V2.

New Features

The main V2 updates include:

  • Additional support for whitelisted ERC-721 NFTs — you will now be able to deposit assets into whitelisted NFTs just as you would a Proton, whereas in V1 you could only view certain whitelisted NFTs on; these improvements allow us to advance closer to our vision of enabling any NFT to hold additional Digital Assets. Now your favorite (whitelisted) PFP NFT can hold other tokens
  • Support for depositing ERC-1155 tokens, such as OpenSea and Rarible 1155 NFTs, into a Particle
  • The ability to claim an airdrop on behalf of a Particle — for example. If your NFT has PoolTogether tickets deposited inside of it and is earning POOL tokens, you’ll be able to claim those POOL rewards on behalf of the NFT from
  • The ability to redirect creator annuities from the original creator to a third party (only available at the contract level at launch of V2, release of UI component for this feature will follow after launch)
  • A new Proton contract (ProtonB) with some minor gas improvements
  • A Sample Non-fungible implementation of the ERC-1155 token standard

In addition to these new features, all of the core functionality of V1 is available in the V2 Protocol. Here’s a reminder of the primary features of Charged Particles V1:

  • Depositing into and Withdrawing assets from your Particles, including: interest-bearing ERC-20 tokens (via an Aave integration), other fungible ERC20 tokens, NFTs that follow the ERC-721 Standard.
  • Time-locking your Particle’s nested assets — they cannot be withdrawn until the date of the lock has passed
  • Creator Royalties — For every sale after the first sale of a Particle, a portion of the sale price will be directed back to the original creator
  • Creator Annuities — Upon creation of a Particle creators can set a percentage of the interest earned in that NFT that they will have the rights to in perpetuity

Migration Primer

V1 will continue to exist in perpetuity, but most new activity will be on V2 of the protocol. In order to get all of the features of V2, you will have to migrate your Particle’s assets. Users will be able to access both versions of the protocol from

Migrating assets from V1 to V2 is not necessary and does not make sense in many scenarios.

When it DOES make sense to migrate your Particle’s assets:

  • You want to be able to redirect your Particle’s royalties and/or creator annuities to a third party, (that feature is only available in V2)
  • You do not plan on depositing any additional assets into V1

When it DOES NOT make sense to migrate your Particle’s assets:

  • You are not concerned with getting all of V2’s features
  • You already have assets in V1 and do not want to pay gas fees to withdraw those assets from V1 and deposit into V2 — In this case, you can just keep depositing into V1 so that when you do decide to withdraw from your Particle, you only have to do so once for each asset type

For a full guide on migration, including screenshots and instructions on how to migrate, see our documentation.

