Community Update — August 2021

Mango Dogwood
Charged Particles
Published in
5 min readAug 30, 2021


This summer has been huge for Charged Particles and a lot has happened in August! We’re doing our best to keep these community updates as concise as possible, but with all the exciting things going on behind the scenes and in the community, that task is becoming more and more difficult — and we love to see it!

Art Drops

We’ve seen some incredible Nested NFT Collections from Gigi Buffon and SportsIcon, as well as Michael Chiesa, each loaded with unique NFTs created by our partners at The Guild. Not to mention each of these collections is loaded with more than $5000 worth of interest-bearing DeFi assets through our integration with Aave — Wrapped Bitcoin and USDC!

Left to right: Gigi Buffon, Michael Chiesa, Trey Ratcliff

We also helped Trey Ratcliff launch the crown jewel of his 50-piece photography collection, nested with 100 Aave Tokens (valued at $37,000) and 5 incredible photographs from Antarctica.

Expect to see more and more incredible drops in the coming months!

Pass The Particle

The first community-made Nested NFT activity began this month in the form of “Pass The Particle,” and is currently 11 layers deep! NFTs inside NFTs inside NFTs, all from different members of the community contributing their own unique perspectives and flavors. The final piece will be auctioned and any proceeds will go to support children’s hunger charities through The Giving Block!

Photon Of The Month

We believe deeply in fostering an inclusive, self-expressive, and welcoming community of people who go out of their way to celebrate one another’s success. So, this month, our community core in The Nucleus voted on “Photon Of The Month,” to recognize a community member who had gone above and beyond to contribute to our collective vision.

And that person is the one and only R. Absurdum (aka THE VOICE OF REASON) co-founding member of Exo-Jump and The Gaming Guild. He is also one of the leading educators in the community, consistently helping new members, laying down the law, and slaying FUD (with sheer iconoclasm during our IDO).

Each month the winer will be granted a special POTM NFT loaded with 1000 IONX tokens and will take on the responsibility of picking three community members to be voted on next month. This way we continue focusing not only on our own work, but the work of others around us and make an effort to uplift them!


As Charged Particles moves to decentralized community ownership, the need for focused Guilds that help to develop certain parts of the ecosystem becomes more pronounced. This month, we’re seeing the first two come to life — The Music Guild, The Gaming Guild, and the Reforestation Guild!

The Music Guild, led by HMP Records began its interview series “NFTs for Musicians” and interviewed musician FutureBum about his travels around the world and dove deep into the meaning behind his musical work, culminating in an auction (still ongoing at time of publishing) that intends to raise money to support peaceful protest initiatives in Myanmar/Burma.

The Gaming Guild has announced and begun to demo its Charged Particles-Native DeFi game, Exo-Jump which utilizes the nesting functionality to load move-sets into pilots that then board mechs that fight battles across the multiverse.

The Ecology Guild is beginning its first effort to utilize Aave-integrated DeFi assets within NFTs to siphon off perpetual interest to charitable tree planting operations with “Grandmother Grove.”

This and other initiatives are the foundational building blocks for the horizontal, decentralized structure of the Charged Particles DAO. If you’d like to help build, join us in our Discord server.

Team Member Spotlight:

Max Jackson — Front End Developer

Total dreamboat

We’re stoked to have welcomed new team member, Max Jackson, to our dev team. Max is not only a very talented front-end developer, but also an incredible artist, and one of the first to be featured on Charged Particles and in the Richard Dixon Gallery during our Launch event in February. Welcome to the team!

Developer Updates

This month we reached a major milestone by whitelisting Rarible contracts so that NFTs minted on the platform can now be “Energized” with other tokens — ERC-20s, 721s, and 1155s. This makes Rarible the first external platform to have this functionality. Nested NFT collections, collaborative NFT drops, curated index funds, NFTs as savings accounts, and so much more. All of this is now possible with your favorite Rarible NFTs.

DISCLAIMER: Being so new, this tech is still in Beta, so please be aware that there are still some details being ironed out over the next couple weeks.


We were proud to announce strategic partnerships with ReNFT, the DeFi Gaming Coalition, and Blind Boxes this month. By adding new utility to these innovative NFT applications, we expect to see new ground being broken in what sorts of products individuals and teams are brining to the space.

There are lots more exciting partnerships to come in the next few months, so stay tuned!

Stay in touch with Charged Particles

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